Special Meetings
Special Meeting July 15, 2021
The special meeting was called to order at 5pm by President Mat.
Members answering roll call: President Mat, Bob Knoup, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens and Cheryl Liebenstein.
Brent Schneider was present representing the Fire Department.
This meeting was held with Rep Andrew Chesney as an informative discussion with the Village board.
Andrew discussed briefly some of the various legislation introduced. He explained to the board that most bills need a strong backing by a noted group in order for it to make it to a session to be viewed.
Brent questioned why Illinois requires 2 EMT’s to respond to a call when neighboring states only require 1. Discussion then began for the on-going need of EMT’s and that every town is in need, especially those with volunteer services. Illinois is trying to push out the volunteer services with the mandates/continuing education that they require of individuals. Andrew suggested that any changes they wanted made would be best to go through Fire/EMT associations. These larger groups concerns and proposed changes would be heard.
Board members questioned if there was a site that listed all Illinois grants. It was advised if we were looking for a specific type of grant to call the Freeport office and his staff would research for us. Tim inquired about our Walking Paths project and Andrew noted that his staff will look for grants for us and get back to him.
Andrew informed the board that if anyone has questions or in need of help/information to not hesitate to call the office. They are there to help and listen to the residents of Illinois.
Motion to adjourn at 5:40pm by Bob K. Motion second by Tim. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk
Last update 12/1/2019
Public meeting/Special Board Meeting - November 9,2019
The public meeting was called to order at 9am. Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Will Backus, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup and Jamie Melville.
This meeting was held to inform the public regarding the rezoning of 4 residential properties to commercial property. The intention of the rezoning is for commercial growth,
Public comments: Julie Wilson is in favor, Keith Miche says it is a good move for the town, Marlo Groezinger had no comments.
Lori Mitchell questioned the Church and Funeral home being left in the residential zone. President Knoup noted that these can be build in either residential or commercial. She also questioned the 80 acres from the Fire department that was agriculture land. Board informed her that the 80 acres were annexed into the village and zoned when the Fire Department purchased the land. Lori also noted that the family (Mitchell) has worked with the village very much over the years.
Jason and Calvin Barklow were here representing the church and wondering if any changes would be made. President Knoup noted that no changes would be made to the church or funeral home.
Will Backus spoke regarding the zoning changes and that we are providing an opportunity for commercial development and that we are working towards a plan for the future.
Will asked any of the public members if there were concerns with the changes being sought. Will noted that there is no reason to believe this move will diminish property values. There will be no health hazards. Will also noted that the village has limited space for growth and commercial business and that this is a good spot.
Motion to adjourn the Public Meeting at 9:20 by Jim. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
The board then went straight into a special board meeting for the purpose of rezoning said 4 properties. Motion was made by Mat to rezone the 4 properties from Residential to Commercial. Motion second by Dave. Roll Call vote as follows: Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Jim-yes, Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, -0-no and 0-absent
Motion to adjourn at 9:22 by Bob. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.