July 5, 2021
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat
Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Mike Tichler, Kirk Knoup, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob A. Second by Kirk. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Dave. Motion carried.
Bob K made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Tim. Motion carried.
No transfer of funds needed.
Maintenance Report
See Attached
Jeff Johnson was present representing the Boulevard Bash committee. Jeff announced the date as August 28, 2021. He is requesting help from Rob and the Police department with coverage of the parade. He would also like permission for access the old Werkheiser property lot for parking and kids’ activities.
The Boulevard Bash will be holding the Beer Garden with Little John’s covering the alcohol. Motion was made by Bob A to allow all request for Police coverage, street closings, access through our property and a special use Liquor license. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Charlie Boop was present with concerns that his neighbor is putting up a patio/roof too close to his lot line. He feels that it is not the required 7- foot from the lot line. Rob will look at this. If there is a question on the actual lot line the involved parties will need to have it surveyed. The village does not survey property lines.
Fehr Graham (Adam) noted the pre-annexation is done.
North St has been completed. There are 2 spots that we need to watch and see if they need to be fixed. (Water standing on road and soft spot). There has been no pay request for this as of today.
Well #3 project had to have some additional work added to the contract. Several valves needed to be changed and they had to run the sewer line across the street to tie it into a larger main. They also had to reinforce the concrete pad for the lift. The additional work came to $33,950.00.
Adam met with Nicam (Alan) this morning to discuss the electric service. They will need easements from Maurer’s and Kuberski’s to move the pole across the street to their side. We do not have the cost for moving electric and gas.
Adam also noted that they do not have a commit date for the building. Rob added that once the building is complete and the system is ready, we will have to have Fiber Optic service to run the system remotely. This will be an additional $120.00 per month.
President Mat feels that with any ongoing projects we should allow the committee and/or President the ability to approve add-ons or changes up to 10% of the total contract price. This will allow the projects to continue without any delays or special meetings to approve.
Bob A noted that most of the late bills are caught up.
Bob K noted that most of the potholes in the village have been filled. The left-over mix from North St. was spread by the post office. Bob received a quote of $14,400.00 for the addition of the sidewalk along Walgren Rd. The sidewalk will be going through 2 properties. This will be on the berm in which the homeowners cannot build on. Discussion was made regarding whether we get easements on the property or written signature from the homeowner’s stating their approval. Motion was made by Tim to get a written statement from the homeowners for their approval of the placement of the sidewalk on their property. Motion second by Kirk. Motion approved with 5-yes and 1-no.
Motion was made by Dave to allow Bob K to continue to move forward with the sidewalk after letters have been signed. Motion second by Bob A. Motion carried.
The steel grid 24-foot bridge has been bought for the Prairie Area. The bridge frame cost $7,218.00. Tim has made the plans for the walking path using the Green Space committees’ ideas. His plan will eventually connect the whole village. He is looking at putting in a gravel path in the Prairie area for now and will re-evaluate the surface if needed. Tim has mentioned the project to Lion’s Club and they may be interested in helping with expenses. The board is in favor of the ideas Tim presented and will now look into estimated cost for the path.
Mike noted that the trees will come down from the Cemetery. He will have the stumps removed. Mike is still working with the landscapers for replacement of the trees. He did note that the donation plaques will be put back up.
Tim noted that Jamie has been working on the Appropriations and that they have followed last year’s format. They budgeted for the large projects of Sidewalks, Well #3 and North St.
Motion was made by the committee to approve the Appropriations as presented. Motion second by Bob K. Motion carried with all yes.
The board has previously voted to reimburse property tax payment for the first year for 5 lots that still needed to be developed in Windhaven subdivision. The TIF lawyers have written the grant as payment up to $9,000.00 for land acquisition. Ron Johnson is requesting his first-year tax reimbursement as part of the development on one of the lots noted. Motion was made by Bob K to reimburse Ron Johnson $5,875.18 for his first-year tax bill. Motion second by Kirk. Roll call vote as follows. Bob A-yes, Bob K-yes, Mike-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Tim-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
The board has received the annual renewal for Oconnor Brooks for our audits.
Motion was made by Bob K to accept Oconnor Brooks contract for our annual audits. Motion second by Mike. Motion carried.
Dave met with Fred regarding concerns on the follow up of the Unsafe Structure ordinance and the Chicken Ordinance renewals. Fred noted that he will attend at least 2 meetings a year. He said that the police squad is running well. The mandatory body cameras have been pushed back until 2025 for the small communities. Fred does not want to be overly pushy with ordinance violations. He feels this detriment’s the look of Pearl City and people will feel that the village is too picky with over abundance of violations. Fred will give notices of violation if there have been complaints made.
Noted in Visitor section
Old Business
Mat spoke with our attorney regarding the complaint of Dollar General’s outside lighting. The persons are requesting that Dollar General follow the requirements or Dark Sky. Dollar General has made adjustments with the lighting, which cost them an additional $7,000.00. They are asking that the village share this cost. The board has determined that they will not share the cost with our taxpayers’ money.
The owner of the abandoned property is selling the trailer and has given the board first option to buy for $19,900.00. The board is definitely not interested. Jamie will draft a letter of what is owed for water/sewer/garbage stating 30 days to pay. Letter will be signed by President Mat and sent certified. The owner owes for 2 separate properties. Water has been shut off at the trailer and he has 30 days to pay or it will be shut off at the apartment building.
Rep Brian Stewart came to meet with the public. No visitors came to the meeting. Rep Andrew Chesney would like to meet with the board, Fire Chief and Police Chief. The meeting will be held July 15th at 5pm.
New Business
Bob K announced that the Historical Society wants a permanent place and is interested in the old café lot on Main St. Bob K told them that if the village sold the land it would need to be open to the public with sealed bids or an agreement that stated the land reverts back to the village if business closes.
We have received tax bills for 2020 for all of the Flood Buy-out properties. Total cost is $3,913.78. Motion was made by Bob K to pay them in full after President Mat speaks with the county. Motion second by Mike. Motion carried with 5-yes and 1-no.
Our insurance company is requesting a compiled list of all our equipment. Rob and Jamie will get this together.
President Mat noted that the state contends that the Lion’s digital sign is on their property. The state will need to send a survey team and until they do, the sign will remain as is.
Motion to adjourn at 9:25 by Bob. Motion second by Tim. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk