The village of Pearl City is ran by a Trustee-Village form of government. In this form of government, 6 Trustees are elected at-large from the village to 4 year terms with half of the board coming up for renewal in 2 year increments. The Mayor is also elected to a 4 year term.
At our village, each Trustee chairs a committee. 2 other board members serve on each committee, along with the chair, so each committee has 3 members. Click on Departments to learn more about each of our departments.
The village maintains a set of Ordinances that everyone must follow. Click on ordinances to learn about these.
The village board meets the first Monday of every month, at 7pm unless it falls on a holiday, in which case the board would be the following day, Tuesday. Click on board meeting minutes to see the minutes from our most recent meeting.
The village board is always busy working on various projects to upgrade infrastructure and make our village better. Click on current projects to learn what we're currently working on.
Do you know who is currently on the board? Do you know the village clerk or treasurer? How about the mayor?
Click on your officials to see pictures of these folks and get their contact information.