June 7, 2021

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Mat

Members answering roll call, President Diehl, Bob Asche, Bob Knoup, Mike Tichler, Dave Dixon, Tim Martens, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted with correction on page 1 to read that Mat and Alan (Nicam) met by Bob K. Second by Bob A. Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Motion was made by Bob K to move the Nicam and Fehr Graham bills from General account to the TIF account.  Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.

Bob K made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Bob A. Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed.

Maintenance Report


Fehr Graham did not attend the meeting but President Mat informed the board that the Well House demo is scheduled to start Tuesday June 8th.  Gas and Electric have been discontinued at the site.

President Mat noted that he accepted the low bid from Fischer Excavating for the North St. project.  They will begin in a week.  Bob K will be inspecting the project as it continues.

Adam messaged President Mat to let him know that the annexation site south of the village has been surveyed and he will let him know when the annexation is filed.


Bob A noted that the late bills are looking better.


It was recommended that we bid out the sidewalk work from Breezeway to Summit St. after Fischer’s are done with the dirt work. The 2nd phase of the sidewalk on the north side of Walgren Rd will need to be engineered.

Brian from Fehr Graham inquired if the village was OK with giving the final payment to Martin Excavating for the retainage fee on the sidewalk project.

The committee will get a quote from Fischer’s to replace 2 drop boxes on South St and have them installed while they are working in town.


Kirk was not at the meeting but the committee noted that Kirk was looking at an aluminum base for the Prairie bridge.  Members feel there should be a final plan put together for the pathway before we purchase a bridge. Tim will put a plan together and will have ready for the July meeting.


Mike noted that the trees will need to come down from the Cemetery and he will look into this and come up with a plan for replacements. We still have an anonymous donor that will partly pay for replacements. Mike would also like to see the cemetery get sprayed for weeds this fall.


The committee discussed the summer wage for Caleb Tichler who is a returning part time help.  It was determined that the 2 full time summer help will be left at $11.00 an hour.  Bob K made a motion to increase Caleb Tichler’s wage to $15.00 per hour retroactive to his first check.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried with Mike abstaining from vote.

Appropriations will need to be done for the July meeting.


Dave checked with area towns and determined that we are the lowest wage for police officers.  He noted that everyone is having problems getting officers. Board members suggested that we have a list of duties expected from our officers and suggest to do yearly job reviews with them. The board would also like to see the officers come to a meeting to discuss options and see what they may be looking for in terms of wages and/or incentives for their time.

Tim made a motion to allow Dave to increase police wages up to $21.00 per hour after his discussion with the officers.  Motion second by Bob K.  Motion carried.


No report

Old Business

The board is looking for follow up of the unsafe ordinance that was issued last year.

It was noted that there is property which has been abandoned. Dave will look into the ordinance and consult with the attorney to see if the trailer can be removed per ordinance of abandonment over 180 days. The water will be immediately shut off and a certified letter will be sent and signed by President Mat regarding the outstanding water and sewer balance of the apartment building.

New Business

President Mat informed the board that Dollar General received a letter from a residents’ attorney. He said the letter was very vague with no direction as to what the resident was looking for regarding the brightness of the intended store sign. Our attorney has looked into this and feels at this time the issue is between the resident and Dollar General.

We received a quote for high-speed fiber optic internet for $120.00 per month for the lift station. We will continue to look at all options.

Jamie checked with our insurance for coverage of the pole and hydrant, which was hit by a vehicle, to see if they might be covered if the other party’s insurance did not pay.  Our insurance suggested that we add our poles and hydrants to our current policy.  The board has decided to not add to our policy at this time

President Mat met with the Lion’s club regarding the digital sign and the state requesting that it be removed. (Jon Rosensteil, Jeff Johnson) Both Lion’s members informed Mat that they had spoke with the state and gave the timeline to President Mat. They have also recently reached out to IDOT and are waiting to hear back from them. President Mat informed the Lion’s that they need to come to an agreement with the state. Board members wanted to know if we should give them more time, remove the sign, or do our own follow-up with the state?

Bob K suggested that we contact the state since the village received the original letter. Motion was made by Tim to have President Mat contact Region 2 Engineer regarding the letter. If the sign needs to be removed President Mat has permission to start the process. Motion second by Bob A.  motion carried.

The Lion’s club is looking for ways to help the community or individuals.  Let Cheryl know if you have any ideas and she will get it sent to the Lion’s Club.

The board was informed that the Stephenson County Hazard Mitigation will be meeting to update the ordinance. They are looking for a representative from the board.  This will involve 4 meetings.  Mike Tichler volunteered to go to the meetings.

Motion to adjourn at 9:25 by Dave. Motion second by Tim.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


Special Meetings


May 3, 2021