September 7, 2010

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Rusty.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

The committee made a motion to transfer $2,000.00 from the Sales Tax account to the General account. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.

 Financial Report

 Kempel-Urish construction is requesting reimbursement of expenses from hauling trash/debris from resident’s flooded homes to the transfer station.  They used their own vehicle.  Rusty made a motion to reimburse Kempel-Urish $630.75 for dumping fees.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.  The bill will be turned into insurance as part of the flood receipts.


 Jay Butson was present to request that the board consider the use of ATV/Gators on the Village streets.  The farmers are legal on township roads but not Village streets.  This was approved by the state in August.

Jay is requesting the board approve a resolution for use and to keep any use fees within a payable limit.  Jay pointed out to the board members the economic advantages of getting/using ATV for summer help and snow removal.  The topic was deferred to the committee.   Committee has been requested that the police officers be involved in the committee.

Rusty Block was present to inquire of buyout program through FEMA.  The Village could apply for a grant to purchase abandoned homes and tear them down.  This program is only available through the state and once a property is bought and tore down the property then becomes “green space” and cannot be built on.

Business owners are not allowed any disaster money.  Rental property is considered a business.

FEMA has not approved any type of help for townships or municipalities.

 Maintenance Report

Streets & Alleys

 South Street is complete. Mill St. and the Maintenance building lot have also been resurfaced. This portion has not been billed for yet.

A new batch of salt will be ordered since ours washed away with the flood.


The committee received two quotes for the new structuring of the lift stations.

MVP quoted $53,955.00 and Mack Pump & Equipment quoted $59,500.00.Committee recommends we go with the low bid from MVP to change our current lift station to a platform access.  Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.  MVP will be able to begin work immediately.  The committee will need to purchase the necessary safety devices for compliance.

 509 North Main has complained of a plugged sewer line.  The lines were looked at and two breaks were found. The lines were not inspected properly in the 1960’s resulting in the hook up to the Village line not being done right.

The bill from Loberg was $4,254.75.  Dave made a motion that the Village pays the bill due to improper connection and improper inspection. Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

Dave also reported that Shut off notices will be sent out.


 No report


Repair work is being done by Rob at the maintenance building due to flooding.  Street sweeping has begun and will continue regularly now.  New doors are being installed at the maintenance building.  Cabinets have also been ordered and Rob will install these and a new sink in our old meeting hall.  This will become the new water lab for Rob.


Fred was present to inform the board that Crime Stop will donate the money for the computer software program for the police squad. The Village would have to pay for the annual update after installation.  The program will run approximately $350.00 per year.  This program is data entry only and does not connect with any other municipalities or counties.  Currently the county dispatchers relay any requested info to our officers.  The committee will meet and discuss. The committee has the authority to purchase.  Fred was asked to speak with Lena regarding one of their computers and vehicle stands.

Fred reminded board members that the state has increased the Moving Vehicle fines ranging from $60.00 for seatbelt violation to $140.00 for speeding.

 Liquor no report

Old Business

President Knoup noted that whenever we annex property along a township road we assume ownership of the annexed portion of the road. 

Mat gave the board an update on the park project. Dave Brown from the Park District informed the school without our knowledge that the Park District will not give the property to the school.  The school has informed Mat that they are now done with all the political arguing.

Due to this latest information, the original maintenance bill for the Park will be resubmitted to the Park District for full payment.

Mat has informed the board he will no longer meet with the Park District.

Several board members will be meeting with the attorney on the 20th regarding the intergovernmental agreement with the Fire Department.

New Business

The Christmas decorations were destroyed in the flood and Jamie can get replacements with a 20% discount if we order right away.  20 new decorations will cost just under $10,000.00.  Motion was made by Jim to have Jamie order new decorations.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

 Board will have IEMA come to a meeting to discuss the “Buy out” plan for vacated property.

 Mat informed the board that our website is up for renewal.  At this time it is not complete.  He will check prices for graphic designs and finishing of the site.

Motion to adjourn at 9:15 pm by Larry.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



October 4, 2010


August 2, 2010