August 2, 2010

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Rusty.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Rusty.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

Financial Report


Prairie Advocate

 Maintenance Report

See attached sheet

 Streets & Alleys

 The summer street maintenance will begin after Homecoming festivities. (South St) 


Committee reported that the lift stations are not running due the recent flooding. The motors have been pulled and are getting cleaned.  The electrical panels will need to be replaced and updated since they were also under water.

It was suggested that we look at replacing or retrofitting our pumps to become submersible. The generator will not be repaired due to cost. Cost for repair is nearly as much as replacing.

Pumps, electrical panels and generator will need to be raised another two foot when installed to keep them above water should flooding occur again.

The backup well was underwater and contaminated.  The motor has been pulled.  The well has been shocked and will be tested before any use.

The boil order that was issued was precautionary only as Rob informed the board that there was never any problem with contamination.  All testing has come back with no evidence of “bad” bacteria.

Well number four had a leak.  This has since been fixed and no samples were needed.

 The sewer mains are now clear.  The lagoons are back to a normal level.  Rob reported that there was some erosion on the dike.  He also noted that a new sludge pump had been ordered.

Some water services were shutoff due to flooding within the homes. 


 No report


As of meeting date the dumpsters around the village have cost us nearly $8,000.00.  Gill’s have been making daily trips to pick up full dumpsters and replacing with an empty one.  The village will bring in three more dumpsters and when they are full that will be the end of the free haul away for the residents.


The officers now have copies of all the ordinances and will be handling any complaints regarding the ordinances such as weed control, dog and leash, noise, etc.


Reminder of alley and street closure due to local benefit on August 14th.

 Old Business

Hal Mckinski has informed the board he will only pay $1000.00 for five mowing of his vacant lots.  Motion was made by Bill to accept the offer of $1000.00 for five mowing of the vacant lots in Windhaven subdivision.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.  The motion from the July meeting has been rescinded.

The Park District has requested that they receive a formal plan from an engineer before the former Lion’s Park is deeded back to the Village.

Fehr-Graham can do a plan for approximately $2,000.00 and the school is willing to pay half of the costs.

It was discussed as to whether we look at getting a formal plan or to let the lot set empty until a new board is elected and discussions could be resumed.

The Village is only interested in getting the land back so that they can then give it to the school.

Another alternative discussed was to hold a public hearing or to submit a letter to the park district stating our intent of not keeping the land, but to give it to the school.

Mat will speak to the school to see if they are still interested in the property regardless if the “Turn Around/Parking” project is not done at this time.

It was noted that further discussion on this topic was tabled until the next meeting.

 New Business

Bud Gaulrapp was present to request a donation for the Annual Homecoming Festival.  Motion was made by Jim to give a donation of $1,200.00 to the Legion/Lions Homecoming.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.  The donation will be paid from the General fund with no restrictions on what it is used for.  The village noted that we no longer have the active Band fund.  Bud was asked to submit an itemized statement covering the donation for our records.

The Legion Hall will continue to serve lunches from 11-2 for flood residents.  The Red Cross will continue to serve supper and do the drive around and delivery of meals for the remainder of this week only.

President Knoup is requesting a coordinator to help with donations and delivery of items to residents who need them.  The Legion will help us with this.  It was noted that the International Lion’s Club will be donating $5,000.00 to help with the flood recovery.  The Lion’s will be determining the criteria for this monetary fund.

President Knoup noted that NiCor needed to replace 32 meters that were under water and suggested that the Lion’s could use that as their criteria, since those 32 homes would have seen the greatest amount of water in their houses.

Rusty Liebenstein has volunteered to be a coordinator to work with various groups to organize and plan any flood related events.  Notices will be sent to the papers to let the public know whom to contact to make any donations of furniture or other household items.

 The Finance committee will need to meet with the Fire Trustees to finalize the agreement on the ownership of our portion of the building.

Final agreement will need to be approved by the board.

 It was noted that the September meeting will be moved to Tuesday September 7th due to the Labor Day holiday.

 Board members went into executive session at 8:20 for personnel purposes.

Out of executive session at 8:40

 Regular meeting continues with a motion by Mat to increase Rob’s wages from 19.25 to 20.93 effective 8/9/2010 to compensate his merit raises in the form of insurance increases.  Motion second by Rusty with roll call vote as follows: Rusty-aye, Mat-aye, Jim-aye, Bill-aye, Dave-aye.  Let the record show 6-aye, o-nay and 0-absent.

 Gerald Woker stopped in prior to our adjournment to let the board know that Pearl City is doing a good job with the whole flood situation.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Larry.

Second by Rusty.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



September 7, 2010


July 5, 2010