October 4, 2010

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Rusty.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Mat.

Motion carried.

No transfer of funds needed

 Financial Report

 Jon Schubert was here to review the Annual Financial Report. He highlighted that the Village was down 19% in cash stating that the State is behind on three payments to the Village. Approximately $25,000.00. It was noted that our expenditures were up almost 20% due to the capital outlay of Station St. and the East/John/Center St. project. Jon suggested that we lower the tax levy on the Liability Insurance and increase the levy on Worker’s Compensation. We are to contact the County Clerk to verify the elimination of the Band and Public benefit funds.

See the paper copy of the Annual Financial report for a more in depth review of the audit.


 Maintenance Report

See attached sheet

Streets & Alleys

 The light upgrade project is continuing and the committee will use their judgment on how many poles to take down at one time for sandblasting and painting.


One sink hole from the flood will be completed on Thursday as repairs have been completed.

Dave questioned as to whether we eliminated the water and sewer charge on homes for sale or those who leave for the winter months.  The village charges these homes for a 1 person water rate with no garbage pickup. ($17/mo.)


 No report


Street sweeping has begun, along with leaf pickup. Rob continues to work on the remodel of the maintenance /lab building. Mowers are getting winterized and stored.

The committee will need to get an outdoor display case for the building so that we do not have to tape notices to the front door.


Motion was made by Dave to purchase the computer and program for the police squad.  Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.

The board discussed the options for ATV/Gator/UTV vehicle use within the village limits. We can adopt the state law for rural farm use of the vehicles which would eliminate all use within the village or we could adopt the low speed vehicle law for golf carts.  This is expensive as cart owners will have to revise the golf carts to conform to the state standards including turn signals, headlights, insurance, registration, license, etc.

Roll call vote was taken for the favor of writing our own ordinance for high speed-non highway vehicles to include ATV/Gators/UTV vehicles.

Rusty– no, Mat– yes, Jim- no, Bill- yes, Dave- no, Larry- no.

Let the record show 4-no and 2-yes.

The village will follow the state statutes and the vehicles will not be permitted to run on the village streets and alleyways.

Fred noted that Police, Fire and EMS are going to a narrow band frequency and we may need to replace portable radios in the future.


No report

Old Business

Work is still in progress for the Inter-governmental agreement with the Fire District. The attorney is looking at separate contracts of purchase and getting a second deed as the bank hold the original deed for the whole building.

Mowing and snow removal will be included in the agreement with the village to mow and the fire department to do the snow removal.

Mat will follow up with the attorney.

President Knoup and Mat will be attending the FEMA meetings for Municipalities to get help with the cost of replacing much of our equipment for the water and sewer infrastructure.  Jamie has been keeping a compiled list of our expenses for repair and replacement due to the flood.

Rusty noted a big Thank You for all the help with the flood donations.

New Business

 Board members discussed the option of cutting back the time for the Trick or Treat hours.  It was felt by members of the village that three hours was too long.  Jim made a motion to have Trick or Treat hours on Sunday, October 31st from 5pm to 7pm.  Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.

 Reminder of the Open House on October 16th.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm by Rusty.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



November 1, 2010


September 7, 2010