September 5, 2017

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Mat Diehl, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Larry. Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Jim. Motion carried. Jamie will check on the total for the Gill’s dumpster bill due to the Lions Club paying $3,000 towards it.

Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Mat.

No Transfer of fund needed

Financial Report

Maintenance Report

Rob reported that the fencing at the lagoons has been completed. The last of the flood dumpsters will be picked up this week.

It was recommended that we not pull the aerators at the pond. They are still working.

The pump needs to be reinstalled on well #3 so the well is still offline. The lift station is still being repaired.

Rob had the mid-size tractor in for repairs and now the smaller mower is getting checked before it is stored.

President Knoup noted that he will speak with homeowners to see if they will need the dumpsters for a longer period.


Fehr Graham – Adam was present to review the buy-out project. We have 5 closing set for September 27th and 28th.  The asbestos survey has been completed and we should have the report by the end of the week. Adam noted that they will bid the demolition of the 5 houses and the board will approve the bidder at the October meeting.  The selected bidder will have 30 days for demolition.

Adam will have another group of closings set for the end of October.

 Adam noted that he will go back to the original homeowners who opted out of the program to see if they want to participate now. (5-6 homes)

He will also run the numbers to make sure that we are still within the bounds of the grant fund.

Safe Route to school construction will begin September 11th. They will have 45 days to complete. One section of sidewalk will be left until Com-Ed moves a box. Com-Ed estimated 3-4 months. 

The Waste Water liner was not properly set during the initial install. The company will back to repair the liner since it did lift during the flood and water got underneath it.

Doug VanHorn was present to request that the village camera a line at his property due to a sag in the line.  The village will work with Doug to help replace the line.


A homeowner has requested permission to remove his sidewalk and seed it down.  His sidewalk does not adjoin to another and feels there is no reason to replace it if he took it out. The board has tabled this request until the October meeting.


The lagoons are now fenced in. Rob is looking at repairing several fire hydrants. Notices will be given for delinquent water bills.


Larry presented a bid for a 2-inch overlay on the cemetery road for $25,000.  Larry made a motion to repave the cemetery road.  Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried. 


Will noted that he met with Jon Rosensteil (Lions Club) regarding the digital sign. The sign will be approximately $10,000 to $20,000. Right now, they are looking at a digital sign with 2 lines of letterboard at the bottom.  They would like to get community involvement for donations. The Lions Club has not set a specific amount they will spend for the sign.  It was noted that the club needs to set an amount they will spend.  Mat was concerned with justifying the village tax money and the amount needed for upkeep of the sign.

 Jon was informed to bring to the board a set price of the sign and what kind of cost would be associated with the sign.  The board would also like to know who would be responsible for the upkeep.


There were no complaints noted from the Boulevard Bash. Mat noted that the officers will need to give out grass ordinance notices.


No report

Old Business

The TIF extension has been approved for twelve more years with the last year being 2031. Motion was made by Larry to accept the TIF Ordinance Extension as written by our TIF lawyers.  Motion second by Jim, Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Will-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-No and 1-absent.

Will noted that he has not obtained any quotes yet for the Volunteer insurance he has been considering.

Steve Cassell informed the board that the donations of cash and gift cards have been disbursed to the flood families.

Motion was made by Jim to give Steve Cassell a $500.00 gas card to reimburse him for his costs throughout the flood crisis.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.

New Business

The board would like to replace the meeting table chairs. Larry made a motion to purchase 8 chairs.  Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried.  Jamie will look at Staples and order them.

Will is looking for volunteers to organize the Community Planning Board.  If any board members have anyone interested you are to let Will know and he will contact them.  Jon Rosensteil also noted that he will bring the Community Planning Board idea to the Lions Club meeting.

 Will also noted that he will speak with someone from the Alternate Energy program to ensure that we will have options for energy during another flood.

Motion was made by Jim to approve a Line of Credit with the State Bank of Pearl City to cover cost of the upcoming Flood Buy-out items until we receive the payments from IDNR.  The Line of Credit will be $500,000.00 and approve President Knoup and Jamie Melville as authorized users of the account.  Motion second by Mat.  Motion carried.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:35 by Will, Second by Larry.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk



October 2, 2017


August 7, 2017