September 2, 2014

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Mat. Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Will. Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.

Second by Jim. Motion carried.

 No transfer of fund needed

 Financial Report

 Jamie reported that Jon Schubert will be at the October meeting to review the Annual Audit.  Jon would like to go first on the agenda.

Maintenance Report

There was a joint meeting with Civil and B-Squared for the Parking Lane project by the school. Will work on the project after the busses have returned in the morning and stop when school is let out to avoid congestion in that area. 

We are still waiting for a construction permit for the Wastewater project.


See Liquor notes

 Streets & Alleys

 Jim noted the parking lane project was discussed on the Maintenance report.


 Judd is in communication with the State’s Attorney regarding the milk plant. He is questioning whether a sale of the building is legal without the open well being sealed.

Next court date for the open well issue will be October 23rd.

The grant writer is looking for any grants for cleanup of the site if the plant is sold.

H2O trucking has been getting water loads from the Village. This will be on going for now and the company will be billed.

The committee was advised to check water prices from area towns. They are also to look at water caps per company and/or a cap per total gallons per year.


Two lots were sold this past month


No report


Fred Cass spoke regarding the police radios.  He noted that the County is using Star Com and the officers do not know what is happening in the county since they are not using Star Com.  The officers would like to know what is happening in case they would be needed for assistance. Fred is recommending that we go to Star Com. There is a $30.00 per month fee and the new radios would run approximately $1,500.00 each. Fred believes the new radios will be better safety for the officers.  Our officers need communication with other law enforcement while on duty.

The board determined that the committee can make the decision regarding the purchase of Star Com and radios.

Fred noted that there were no problems within the village during the Boulevard Bash.

The board had complaints regarding vehicles running the stop sign on Walgren Rd. Fred will have the officers watch that area.


Both background checks have been received for the owners of Route No. 73 Brew and Chew.  There was no felony restrictions noted.

Phat and Sylvia requested the same license as Yellow Creek Inn.  They will be serving lunch and dinner.

President Knoup informed them that they need to know the State Liquor laws and booklets are available at the state office.

He also noted that there will be restrictions on outdoor beer gardens. There will be noise and vulgar language regulations.

Motion was made by Jim and second by Dave to approve a Class A with Sunday sales liquor license to Route No. 73 Brew and Chew.  Roll call vote as follows: Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Will-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.

Old Business

 We have a contract agreement with Jay Butson regarding his tower by the water reservoir.  President Knoup has initiated a new committee to handle the contract and speak with Jay.  The committee members are Will, Larry and Dave.

The tower is Jay’s and he has put everything back in working condition since it was damaged in a storm.  The Fire Department and Police repeaters are also back on it. 

The Appraisers have been approved for the Buy-Out project.  Residents will be notified when their inspection appointments will be.

  New Business

 Election packets are ready for those who want to run for re-election in April. No signatures are allowed before September 23rd.  Eleven signatures are required.  Notices will be posted and it will be posted in the paper.

 The village will get reimbursed for expenses for the Flood Buy-Out.  Jamie will make a spreadsheet for the Buy-out expenses.  She will also set up a spreadsheet for the Waste Water project for use in the audit next year.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm by Larry

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



October 6, 2014


August 4, 2014