August 4, 2014

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.

 The minutes from the July 22nd special public meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim.  Motion carried

 The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Will. Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.

Second by Jim. Motion carried.

No transfer of fund needed

 Financial Report

Maintenance Report

Jim noted that we are waiting for Com-Ed to move a pole before we can start on the parking lane project at the school.  The contractor is ready to get started.


Nate Pickard was present to represent the Boulevard Bash committee.  The event will take place on August 23rd and replace the annual Homecoming.  Nate handed out a schedule of events and noted that they will be having a parade. Stephenson County will send an officer for the parade which will begin at 11 am.  Also noted they will continue with the kid water fights and tractor pull.

Nate requested that our officer on duty that night to make rounds through the beer garden. Larry will speak with Fred to get the parade coverage lined up and to make sure there is someone on duty that night.

 With the general public here, President Knoup entertained a motion to vote on the mitigation contracts for the Flood Buy-Out.  Mat made a motion to vote on both contracts as a whole, as presented, with prior modifications to street addresses noted.  Motion second by Will.  Roll call vote as follows:  Bob A.-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes, Larry-yes, Dave-yes, Let the record show 5-yes, 1-abstain, 0-absent, 0-no.

Bob A. spoke prior to his vote noting all the numerous Businesses that were once part of Pearl City and that Pearl City is his hometown and would like to see it grow once again.  The decision for him was not easy.

 Mat made a motion to have Fehr-Graham move on the remainder of this project in getting the appraiser and to send for appraiser approval from the IDNR.

 Adam noted that the appraiser will contact the homeowner to set up a time.  Any savage items that they may want to take will need to be listed on the appraisal.

 The Waste Water project is ready to begin.  Adam will confirm with Kelsey Excavating on Tuesday.

 Streets & Alleys

 Jim noted the parking lane project was discussed on the Maintenance report. Jim did speak with the school regarding a donation for the street lights on the project.  The school will give $1,000.00. This and the Park District donation should cover the lighting on the project.

Jim is looking at bids to replace the sidewalk at the Library and continue to the south to the end of the block.

We will be adding a storm sewer behind Kempel’s building on Main St. to alleviate rain runoff that pools there and runs into the building.

The committee is looking at South First St. for repairs and overlay. Jim asked board members to let him know of any other street repairs that need to be done this year.


 Next court date for the open well issue will be August 22nd.

H2O trucking has been getting water loads from the Village. This will be ongoing for now and the company will be billed.

The committee was advised to check water prices from area towns.


The trees have been removed.  Will noted that the gate needs to be looked at.  The committee will determine whether to replace it or remove it.

Will is waiting for more information on plot rates before making a recommendation to increase the prices.


Repair work has begun on the salt shed and should be completed within the week.


Will is working with Fred to update the Police computer.

There was an episode of 4-wheelers on the football field causing damage to the grounds.


We are still waiting for the State of Illinois to complete the background checks for the new license for the new owners of Yellow Creek Inn.

Jamie checked with insurance regarding Beer Gardens ion Village property. Insurance stated that the business must carry Liability of one million and two million annual aggregate policies.

 Old Business

 Reported under Visitor

 New Business

 None to report

 Motion to adjourn at 7:35 pm by Bob

Second by Larry.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



September 2, 2014


July 7, 2014