October7, 2019
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Will Backus, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Bob. Motion carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Bob.
Will made a motion to transfer $30,000.00 from Sales Tax fund to the General account. Motion second by Mat. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
See attached
Mathew was present to present to the board a list of items and prices he has for the dog park. He noted that all items have been paid for or donated and the only expense left is a small cost for additional fencing. Bob made a motion to move forward with the Eagle Scout project of a dog park. Motion second by Jim. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Will-yes. Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
Adam-Fehr Graham was present to review our current projects. He noted that water and sewer extension to Block Rd would be approximately $57,925.00 not including any engineering costs.
Preliminary cost for a street extension from Rt 73 to the school would be about $122,950.00 without engineering or permit costs. Adam noted that the road would not be able to be built up so it will continue to flood at times. We would be able to pave the street as that section was removed from the IEMA match and was strictly funded by IDNR.
Fehr Graham is working on the closing of the flood grant.
They have just started work of soil borings for well #3 and they will also get numbers together for sidewalk from Rt 73 to Dori Dr.
Board members questioned Adam as to what a Pre-Annexation document really is. Adam stated that the document gives the village legal protection if a developer does not fulfill their part of the agreement.
Tom Schultz was present to let the board know that he is still having draining issues on his property. He noted that the rock has worked some but was advised by the board that this unfortunately will not stop grass clippings or trash. Tom suggested that we tile the area, but this is a natural waterway and is not an option. President Knoup advised Tom and the board members to look at this and come up with some solutions to eliminate the trash that collects in Tom’s yard after heavy rains.
Tom also inquired if the state controls the speed limit on Rt 73 from Walgren Rd to the top of the hill. President Knoup noted that we would have to have a study done, usually by Stephenson County, to see if the limit can be lowered starting on the south side of the hill coming into town.
The Green Space committee is working on the project for the Prairie area.
Jim presented to the board the first reading for the Inspections of Cross Connections when a property is being sold.
Breezeway and Gusty Trail street has been completed
Kirk reported that the new plow truck will be done shortly. Will need to decide if we are doing sealed bids or private sale of the old plow truck. Board members agree to sealed bids but not before the truck has arrived and Rob has had time to run it. Bids must include the village right to accept and/or reject any or all bids.
The doors at the maintenance building will be replaced at a cost of $2,384.00 not including labor.
Dave looked at bids from the state bid process and none were comparable to the bid of a new vehicle from GT. Our squad car is 10 years old with 41,000 miles. Proposal to complete some body work on it was approximately $2,500.00. The fuel pump went out and has been replaced. The committee feels we should fix the rust spots and keep it for another few years and address the issue again if it starts to cost more money for repairs. Jim made a motion to fix the rust spots on the squad car and keep the vehicle for a while. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Fred has hired another officer and is looking to get back to our original 150 hours per month.
President Knoup has received a request from the businesses to allow them to stay open until 1am on New Years eve which falls on a Wednesday. Motion was made by Dave to allow the extended hours on New Years eve. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Old Business
New Business
The board is requesting that we reach out to Nicki Keltner regarding the Prairie area. Board members have questions regarding f it would survive being flooded for days, who is doing what work and who will maintain the area. President Knoup is working to get Dollar General business in the village. Mat will take charge of having a public hearing to rezone property on the south side to allow business. Jim made a motion to proceed with a public hearing to rezone residential property to business district. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Board members discussed the pre annexation contract and want to include a protection of $60,000.00 for new water and sewer lines to property line. If no building and/or business is built within a year the developer would have to reimburse the village our cost of running the water and sewer lines.
Jim made a motion to have our attorney draw up a pre annexation agreement with these specifications included. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Solar panel businesses are requesting letters stating if we require permits for installation. We need to look at our ordinances/permits and rewrite them as needed. Will is requesting that the Fire Department be notified of installations so that they can shut off the panels in case of a fire on the property.
The Lions Club wants to meet regarding the digital sign they have been working on to replace the one in front of the old Legion building. They are interested in putting it on the pole where we took the clock down. The board is requesting that they come to a board meeting to discuss.
Will is to notify the school board of the possibility of a new road to the school.
Residents are reminded that leaf pickup will be October 1st thru November 27th.
Motion to adjourn at 9:45 by Will. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk