November 2, 2019
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Dave. Motion carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk.
No transfer needed
Maintenance Report
See attached
Fehr Graham was not present at the meeting but President Knoup reported that FEMA has approved reimbursement for the remaining 2 properties of the Flood Buy-Out and the initial startup and engineering cost for the project.
The Community Development Committee was present to inquire about the Pre-Annexation agreement. The committee would like to see it stated that the village would annex land for business and that any water and sewer would be run to the property. The board does have a draft copy and the committee was given a copy. The board will put together an official agreement and eliminate the wording of any time frame in which a business has to build and generate sales tax.
Jon Rosensteil was present representing the Lions Club to speak to the board regarding the electronic sign that they wish to purchase and install. This sign would then eliminate the letter board. The electronic sign would be 2 sided and be 33 inches by 53 inches. They would like to install the sign on the light pole where the old clock use to be. The sign is about 150 pounds, which is much lighter than the clock was. They estimate the total cost of $6,000 to $6,500. The sign runs on WIFI and will use 110v electric. The Lions club is asking permission to allow them to install on the light pole and for any donation towards the purchase. The board would like to check the integrity of the pole and reinforce the base. Motion was made by Jim to allow the Lions Club to install a new digital sign on one of the downtown light poles. Motion second by Bob. Roll Call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Dave-yes, Jim-yes, Kirk-yes. Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no and 2-absent.
Motions was made by Dave to donate $3,000.00 towards the purchase of the sign. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
The Greenspace committee has a plan drawn up for the Prairie area and the committee would like to see the pathway started. Board members questioned if we would hire to get it done, get volunteers, question on the base for the path, 3-4-inch gravel.
No report
Street projects are complete. Fehr Graham has been informed to begin getting ready for bids for the Summit St/North St project.
The school is interested in our 2008 plow truck. Since they are a taxing body the board has the right to sell it to them. The truck is at the school now so that they may use it and have board members look at it before purchasing.
The committee did get a quote of $18,000.00 for a purchase price if we would sell it or have sealed bids. Motion was made by Dave to sell the truck to the school for $18,000.00 with approval of the school board. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
The committee has decided that we will not put the downtown planters back up until spring.
No report
The department needs to increase the hours. We only at 120 hours per month and would like to get back to 150 hours per month.
We will be taking the Durango to Barry’s Collision to have body work done on it.
The cars behind the carwash will need to be removed.
Mat is working with the TIF attorney regarding what needs to be done before we can re zone land for business. Mat has scheduled a Public meeting regarding the re zone to business on Saturday November 9th at 9 am. The board will hold a special meeting following the public meeting.
President Knoup notified businesses that they may have extended hours on New Year’s Eve.
Old Business
The proposed new street from Rt 73 to the school was presented to the school board. The school board is not interested and the project will not continue.
The water and sewer committee has made changes to the Cross-Connection Ordinance. This would allow us to inspect any property, during a sale, to check cross connections and sump pumps. An inspection fee of $10.00 would be charged to the seller. The second reading of the proposed change to the Cross-Connection Ordinance was mad and a motion was made by Jim to pass the ordinance. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
New Business
Board members were advised that the new minimum wage will be $9.25 beginning January 1, 2020. Summer help wages will be addressed when we hire in April.
Motion to adjourn at 8:15 by Dave. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk