September 3, 2019

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Will Backus, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Bob.  Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections made. Second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Bob.

No transfer of funds needed

Maintenance Report

The board discussed putting a stop date for fall leaf pick up. To be determined in the New Business section.


Mathew presented his Eagle Scout project to the board. He originally was to put a dog park in at Shannon, but the areas have been turned down. He is proposing to put in a 120 ft by 120 ft dog park and would like to use the lot that previously held Koning’s Auto. His time line is to complete the project this year yet. President Knoup said that the DNR did approve his type of fencing on the flood lot. Mathew is looking for a place to install and also help with the cost of a portion of the fence. He has already raised $1,500.00.  The board has asked that Mathew return to our next meeting with cost on the additional fencing.

The Pearl City Development Committee has purchased property south of town and would like to use it as resale for commercial business. The committee is requesting that the board have a pre annexation agreement made so that when they approach possible investors, they can let them know that there would be no problem with annexing the land into the village. President Knoup noted that he was advised by our attorney and general engineer to have an agreement drawn up.

Mat made a motion to have the attorney draw up a pre-annexation agreement and to also get estimates to run water and sewer to the property line.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.

Mike Mudge was present to represent Rock River Energy and to bring bid estimates for the village pumping accounts to the board members, which are due to expire in December. After discussion of the bids Jim made a motion to approve Constellation for our pumping accounts for a three-year contract.


The Greenspace committee was present and noted they have been talking with Rob regarding the walking path, prairie planting and tree planting.

The committee did question why there was such a difference regarding their plans and the plans for a dog park. They questioned if the village had some plan or vision for the greenspace. The board does not intend to be different with the projects.  They still want to see each area drawn up with more specific plans/costs for the sites. The Greenspace committee would like to see a motion made to go forward with a specific plan.  Questioned what sites the board wants to see completed first. They feel the prairie area may take more than a year to complete to keep costs down.

The board has asked that the campground project be written up to include types of pods, types of hook ups, length of stays and cost before any more work is done on that site.


No report


Civil has replaced the storm sewers boxes on Breezeway/Gusty Trail streets.  Two sidewalk patches have been completed in front of Little John’s.

Wayne Fischer will price a sidewalk from Breezeway to Dori Dr to meet up with the Safe Route to School sidewalk. Jim is also getting quotes for a sidewalk from Rt 73 to Dori Dr.


Kirk reported that he had a proposal for electric to the campground area for a cost of $3,500.00 for 2 pedestals. Dave feels this project needs to be stopped and taken to the Greenspace committee and fully planned out and then approved by the board.  The committee will work with the Greenspace on this site.


The committee reminded the board that any amount over 5% on the appropriations will need to have an amendment done before April 30, 2020.


Dave asked the board members for their thoughts regarding the Police department, hours worked, wages, etc. He noted that he has been approached regarding a new squad for the village. Our is 10 years old and a new vehicle would run $33,395.00 with a $4,000.00 trade in.

Lanark and Shannon are our biggest competitors for getting part time officers. They pay their officers $19.00 per hour. Mat made a motion to increase the Police wages to $19.00 per hour effective September 1.  Motion second by Will.  Motion carried.

Dave was advised to get some comparison bids for new vehicles and also body shop bids for repairs to current vehicle.



President Knoup discussed the Special Liquor License process and request that we set a maximum number per year and an approved timeline for requesting a special license. President Knoup wants the board to vote on all events instead of him making the final decision.

Old Business

President Knoup wanted to know if the board is interested in a street from Rt 73 to the school.  Board members agreed they would like to see it done.

New Business

President Knoup will talk with Fehr Graham on water and sewer estimates to the property at the south edge of town.  He will also speak with the attorney regarding the drawing up of the pre annexation agreement.

Will made a motion to have leaf pick up ending yearly on November 27th.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn at 9:30 by Will.  Motion second by Kirk.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk




October7, 2019


August 5, 2019