October 7, 2002
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the September meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.
Second By Jim.
Motion Carried.
Motion was made for approval to pay all bills by the Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-Motion was made by Jim to transfer $5,500.00 from Sales to the Water & Sewer Account. Motion Second by Larry. Motion carried.
Financial Report
No further report
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Building and Grounds committee will need to meet and bring a proposal back to the board regarding the contractors whom wish to continue to dump brush and yard waste at the Village maintenance area.
Streets & Alleys
The street sweeper is ready for use and Rob will begin within the next week.
A load of salt has been ordered and delivered to the building to replace that, which was lost during the flood.
We are still receiving complaints of speeding traffic on Walgren road.
Police committee will speak with the officers for more patrol on this stretch of road, with tickets being issued for violators of the speed limit.
Rob will also place one of our new “Children at Play” signs in that area to help slow the traffic.
Fehr & Graham reported to the committee that the Water Reservoir project has been completed, but there is still one final bill yet to be received from Fischer’s for seeding and landscape work.
Rob will need to drain the old water tower before winter sets in.
Fehr & Graham are still working with the Village who wishes to take the tower down for their use. It was reported that said Village has completed the grant paper work and is now waiting for approval of the grant money.
Fehr & Graham will be supplying the Village with new colored maps for the tabletop at the Village Hall.
R.E. Cox has submitted an estimate for the new street in the cemetery. The estimate is for $4,640.00 to mark and gravel the road for the winter, as it is too late in the season to seal coat. Fischer’s will haul in more fill from the school to use in the low spots and level the area off. The committee met and ok’d the estimate so that Cox could begin work. President Knoup requested any objections at this time before final motion on the project was made. There were no objections and Don made the motion to approve the estimate for $4,640.00 to mark and gravel the new road at the cemetery by R. E. Cox. Motion was second by Jim. Motion carried.
The committee now says that the 7 plots, which were previously closed from sales, may now be opened back up. They have requested that 7 plots at the far north end be closed from sale, since these will sit too close to the new road.
Buildings & Grounds
The Village Hall is almost complete and will soon be finished with construction repairs.
The committee reported that a new door would be put on the pump house.
Gasvoda has estimated that it will cost the Village approximately $35,000.00 to pull and service all the pump motors since they were completely under water from the flood.
The committee will meet Thursday to order new Christmas decorations for the downtown area to replace the damaged ones. If we order within the next week we will be guaranteed delivery by Thanksgiving.
The committee has requested that we bring in one more dumpster for the flood residents to use, since many are still in the process of remodeling.
The new squad car is here and in use. The committee recommends that we send a donation to the D.A.R.E. program to show our appreciation for the use of the County squad car while ours was ordered and getting ready for the road. Todd will meet with the DARE officer and bring an estimate donation to the November meeting.
The video camera system has not been replaced in the squad car. There has been a question of complete loss with the insurance company and Todd reported that the maker of the systems does not recommend that we piece the system. It was suggested that the whole system be replaced, as they cannot guarantee just certain components.
Project Home Safe has given the Village 50 fun safety locks to give away to the residents. The committee would like to set up a gun safety course with the DNR and use the locks at that time. Todd will check into this and report next meeting.
Old Business
New Business
Board members have received reading materials from Tom Jacobs regarding TIF district eligible expenditures for the business sector.
We have several businesses asking for reimbursements. Members are advised to read the pamphlets, as we will discuss this at the November meeting.
President Knoup received a letter from Tom Jacobs regarding help for businesses that were damaged during the flood. Tom stated that we could set up a program based on Sales Tax. Tom will set up a program that will reimburse the business, on a percentage basis, the sales tax that they generate.
Businesses will need to submit to the board total loss and reconstruction costs. The board will need to determine the length of the program and the percentage of reimbursement.
This will be discussed at the next meeting before any motion for approval is made.
There have been several requests from residents that we replace our “Welcome” signs at each end of the Village. New wooden cut signs, similar to Lena’s, will run approximately $1500.00 each. The board will check into this as a Public Benefit project.
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Brian. Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk