September 3, 2002
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.
Second By Jim.
Motion Carried.
Motion was made for approval to pay all bills by the committee.
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Dave.
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds- none needed
Financial Report
No further report
Approximately 35 members of the community attended the meeting for an update on the local flooding from August 22 thru August 25. President Knoup reported that their will not be any “free money” available to the affected residents. The County could not declare a disaster without 40% of the homes affected in the county. Pearl City and Lena were the only areas, which had floodwaters. The County Emergency Management did report that there are several blockages in the Yellow Creek Waterway. At this time the Emergency Management Office is still checking into the matter with the Corp of Engineers. If it is determined to be a non-navigable waterway, the Corp of engineers will not come in to clean out the blockages. President Knoup stated that this would be the first big step in lessening the chances of another large flood. He suggested that a member of the community get a group together and talk with the farmers about access to the blockages so that they may go in and do the cleanup. Local businesses will be willing to help with large equipment.
Many residents are upset regarding no money available to them. President Knoup simply informed them that he himself did not have the answers as to why. Bob did mention that the Village has donated, to this date, approximately $4,000.00 in dumpster use. He will make more dumpsters available to affected residents if needed. Bob also reminded persons who still needed help with tearing out floors and walls to please contact the Lutheran Church, as they have volunteers coming to work.
Freelance grant writer Leslie Mastroianni spoke about various programs, which are available to residents. These include The State Bank of Pearl City with lo-interest loans for $5,000 at 5% for 36 months, The Red Cross will replace water heaters and the Emergency Furnace Program have begun for the winter. Any person needing to replace the furnace can fill out an application and be notified of acceptance within 48 hours. This program is need-based on income. Leslie reported that it is very difficult to obtain Emergency Home repair money. She will look to see if money could be released on grants or low-interest loans. She will need structure cost and general income range for the affected areas to determine whether any money could be grants or all would be loans.
Since all programs are resident only, Leslie will check on Economic Development money for the affected businesses. The Village will also check with the TIF Lawyer regarding a reimbursement program for the businesses. Board members inquired as to whether the Village could make available low-interest loans for the businesses. It was determined to get more information on this from the Village of Warren before any decision could be made.
Public comment was geared towards no flood zone insurance through the Federal government until they realized the astronomical cost of such insurance. Many voiced that low lying areas should not be filled in and raised for the purpose of business. President Knoup commented that before any fill work is done the Federal government surveys for watershed etc. and permits, with restrictions are then granted to the landowner.
Resident’s also commented on the amount of oil that was in the floodwater. It was determined that this did not come from one business, but all the garages and auto shops due to oil changes to customers.
President Knoup noted that after any 5-6 inch rainfall we would always have problems with both the Village and the residents. Bob requested that we not point fingers, but we should try to solve the problem.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
The committee received recommendation from Fehr & Graham to pay Cox for our street maintenance for the year. The committee made the motion to pay Cox $18,806.04 for the street maintenance for this year. Motion was second by Larry. Motioned carried.
The committee also has reimbursements to three persons for the sidewalk program. Brian made the motion to pay Kathryn Nelson and Joan Kuhlemeyer for their reimbursement and to also speak with Bob Dole regarding his share. Motion was second by Larry. Motion carried.
The committee reported that they are still assessing damages to the pumps and other equipment. It was reported that the old well would need to be professionally cleaned and sanitized before we could put it back on-line. At present it is shut off.
Gasdova & Associates came out and did a preliminary assessment on the pumps. It was recommended that each of the six pumps get pulled and thoroughly checked for damage and to be cleaned.
Rob will be draining and cleaning the sand filters again.
Fehr & Graham reported that after total assessment and insurance pays, they will look at trying to get money from a DECCA Grant to cover Village losses.
The committee had the damaged Memorial stone flipped and sanded for $125.00. The Boy Scouts will select a day to pick up rocks at the cemetery. No official word on the roadway in the cemetery.
Buildings & Grounds
The committee reported that the Village Hall has been gutted and is now waiting to dry before any more work can be completed.
Poffenberger will pick up all appliances. The pump house will need a new door and other repairs before it can be used again. Bob informed the committee to go ahead and have the repairs done.
The Stephenson County officers will patrol in town until Monday September 10th. At that time the County will loan us a vehicle to use until the Village can get one for the Police department since ours was totally lost to the flood. The committee received the go ahead to order a vehicle from Miles Chevrolet for $19,300.00. Motion was made by Todd to purchase a new squad car from Miles Chevrolet. Motion was second by Larry. Motion carried.
The insurance Company has added the vehicle with all the equipment losses instead of listing under auto lost.
The Village will have to pay $25,000.00 deductible before insurance will pay for any damages above that amount.
Old Business
New Business
The board has received a building permit with a variance. The permit is to remove 2 garages and replace with a 2-stall that would be 30 foot deeper than the original. The neighbors have agreed and signed the variance. Motion was made by Don to accept the building permit with the variance. Motion was second by Jim. Motion carried.
The insurance company would like to set up a special meeting with the board to go over the insurance coverage. President Knoup will notify of the meeting time.
Buildings and Ground committee can go ahead and order Christmas decorations since ours were damaged in the flood.
The P.C. Church council is having a Patriotic Celebration on September 11th. They have invited the P.C. Police Officers to attend.
Bob reminded the board to keep track of all time spent on flood related work for the Village. This can be turned into insurance for reimbursement.
Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by Larry. Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk