November 4, 2002
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second By Don.
Motion Carried.
Motion was made for approval to pay all bills by the committee, with the exception of the FLC bill to be held by the committee for further review.
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds- none needed
Financial Report
No further report
Jon Schubert was here to review the Village Audit. Jon noted that the cash was down approximately 20% due to capital projects. There was a 14% increase in revenues, due to the increase of TIF monies. Jon also reported that any funds that are not earmarked for specific projects would need to be marked by such a statement.
Jack Pyfer and Joel Kempel were present to represent the Yellow Creek Inn for the purpose of obtaining an agreement for reimbursement from TIF monies.
Currently the Village has agreements for Commercial and Residential use, but not for businesses within the district. The Inn is looking for reimbursement for improvements made at the Yellow Creek Inn. Their total investment was $160,000 with sales near $300,000. Joel noted that $120,000 was payroll, with most employees being local residents.
It was determined in discussion that the Finance committee will take the project of setting up a program with specifications for reimbursement.
The committee will present to the board for final approval.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
There is still one dumpster at the maintenance building for flood victims to use. We will keep the dumpster until the 15th of the month and then remove.
Streets & Alleys
The complaints of speeding on Walgren Rd have been greatly reduced with the extra patrol in that area. The committee has decided not to go with a stop sign at the intersection of Walgren and Breezeway. If complaints of speeding increase they will reconsider putting in the stop sign.
Rob suggested that we speak with Lena to see if an agreement could be made on the use of their leaf pick-up/shredder.
Repairs still need to be made on Center St. near the stop sign.
The board has not heard any final word on the Village whom is interested in the old water tower. That Village is waiting to see if the grant money has been awarded for tear down.
The looping of the road has been completed and will be seal coated in the spring. Since it is late in the year, all the seeding will be done in early spring.
Buildings & Grounds
The proposal for contractor dumping at the maintenance hall is not complete yet. Will bring to the board for final approval. The new overhead door for the pump house has been ordered.
The committee will have Gary Mohr order the camera equipment needed for the squad car.
There will be two officers on duty for the playoff game on the 9th and the board has given approval for F. Cass to bring his police dog with him.
The dog will not be working the game; he will only be there for exposure to the people.
Old Business
It was reported that the Car Show brought in $700.00 and the car show committee was very pleased with the help from the Village.
New Business
The Tax Levy was presented to the board and after review the committee made a motion to approve the Levy as presented by O, connor, Brooks.
Motion was second by Larry with Roll call vote as follows. Todd Brinkmeier-aye, Dave Schirmer-aye, Jim Westaby-aye, Brian Schiess-aye, Don Earlenbaugh-aye, and Larry Johnson-aye.
Let the record show 6-aye, 0-nay, and 0-absent.
Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by Larry. Second by Don.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk