November 5, 2012
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Matt Diehl, Rusty Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat.
Second by Rusty. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Bill. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Bill. Motion carried.
No transfer of fund needed
Financial Report
Motion was made by Mat to approve the resolution for the Annual Street Maintenance to be paid from the Motor Fuel Tax. Motion second by Rusty. Motion carried.
The audit is done and Jon will present it to the board at the December meeting.
Maintenance Report
Mat reported that the cost of living increase is currently 1.7%. The Finance committee recommends a 2.5% raise for Rob as we held any raise last year.
Motion was made by Mat to give Rob a 2.5% increase (53 cents for an hourly wage of $21.67) Motion second by Jim with roll call vote as follows. Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-yes, Let the record show 5-yes and 1-absent.
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
We had 4 bids for the downtown sidewalk project. This was the second bid letting. O’Brien Civil $112,623.60, Civil Construction $116,282.10, M&M Concrete $119,446.40 and Winter Construction $123,465.22.
O’Brien Civil is a young company but the references have been checked and all final work is still inspected by Fehr-Graham.
Motion was made to accept the low bid from O’Brien Civil for $112,623.60 by Jim. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried.
The committee had a request for help to finish a driveway from the street to the sidewalk. President Knoup informed the board that it is the homeowner’s responsibility for maintenance from the sidewalk to the street for driveways. The request has been denied.
We have found one homeowner to have a lead water line to the house. The committee will advise that this needs to be replaced.
No report
The committee has spoken with Butch Kuberski regarding the dredging of Mill Pond. He will charge $1500 per day for labor and equipment. If the Village would want to haul any dirt out that may run $15,000 to $20,000. The committee feels this is the time to do it as the North end is completely dry. They would like to find the spring and open it back up.
Motion was made by Bill to allow Kuberski 2 days to dredge and open the spring for a total cost of no more than $3000.00. Motion second by Rusty. Motion approved by a 3-2 margin.
No report
Scott Gross has requested extended hours for Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve. He would like to remain open until 1AM. Motion was made by Dave to approve the extended hours for both evenings. Motion second by Jim. Motion approved.
Old Business
The Café has been removed and the lot cleaned.
New Business
Public meetings will be held November 15th for the Electrical Aggregation at 4pm and 6pm.
This will be a Question and Answer session for any resident that is looking for information on how it works.
Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Rusty.
Second by Bill.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk