December 2, 2002
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second By Don.
Motion Carried.
Motion was made for approval to pay all bills by the committee.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-Motion was made by Jim to transfer $2,000.00 from Sales to the General Fund. Motion Second by Dave. Motion carried.
Financial Report
No further report
Maintenance Report
See attached report
We have 5 extra large Christmas lights, which was shipped with our order.
Jamie will notify the company of the mistake and make arrangements for them to pick up the lights or if a discounted deal can be arranged we will keep the lights.
Streets & Alleys
The hole on Center St. has been repaired, but was again damaged during the recent snowplowing. Brian advised that it would be properly fixed this spring when the weather warms.
The board has heard that any word on the Village, whom is interested in the old water tower, will not be until February when the grant money is disbursed.
The new maps for the table are here and the committee has requested that each member proofread them before they are placed under the glass tabletop.
We are in the process of replacing all the pump motors and installing the electrical switches above ground.
The new lift station will need to be checked for water damage in the walls. This was one thing that was overlooked after flood assessment had been made.
The committee has spoken with Bill Liebenstein (Legion) regarding the benches for the Memorial Garden. Bill stated that they have 4 benches, which were donated, to place in the garden. Two benches will have backs and two will be flat. The Legion is hoping to install these soon.
Buildings & Grounds
The new overhead door for the pump house has arrived. Will be installed as soon as possible.
Gary Mohr has 2 quotes on a new camera system. He has suggested that we stay with our original type of system. Todd will check with Gary and insurance company for coverage. If covered we will order a new system.
Gary Mohr has submitted his letter of resignation, confirming that he will be done effective December 15th.
The committee will be in control of the department, with one officer to be in charge of the mandatory paperwork. All hours will be divided equally with a total of 120 hours per month. The board has recommended that the officers work more evening shifts.
There have been numerous complaints of skateboarding in the downtown area. The parents have been contacted.
The skateboarders have been given permission to use the Bank parking lot after bank hours are over. The committee has talked with the Park District regarding the set up of a skateboard park. There has been no word back on this yet.
The board has been notified by the manager of Bo-Co that they have been involved in the STING operation again and that an arrest has been made for selling alcohol to a minor.
Bo-Co was sited for this offense in April 2001 and was notified by certified mail that this was their only warning and that any further offenses would result in quick action taken by the board.
According to the Village Ordinance book a fine of no less than $50 or no more than $200 can be imposed on the business. The board discussed the fine amounts and the possibility of suspension of the liquor license for a defined period of time.
Motion was brought forward to impose a $100.00 fine and the suspension of the liquor license for a period of seven days, beginning on Sunday and ending on Sunday. Motion was made by Larry and second by Brian.
Roll call vote was taken with call as follows: Larry-aye, Brian- aye, Dave- aye, Don- aye, Jim- aye, Todd- aye. Let the record show 6-aye and 0-no. Motion carried.
President Knoup will impose this in person, when the Village receives the official notice from the State Police.
Old Business
The Finance committee will set up a meeting with Tom Jacobs regarding the TIF agreements for the Business sector of the community. Dave will advise members when this meeting will be held.
New Business
Media Com has sent out the Franchise agreements for the Village. This will be a fifteen-year agreement to cover digging rights, cable lines, Etc.
Motion was made by Larry to accept the agreement as written. Motion was second by Jim. Motion carried.
Fehr & Graham has reviewed the plats for the second addition to Windhaven Acres. They feel the plans are ready for approval by the board.
Motion was made by Brian to accept the plans for the second addition to Windhaven Acres, as recommended by Fehr & Graham. Motion was second by Larry. Motion carried.
Hal Mckinski, contractor for Windhaven, has requested another intergovernmental agreement for the second addition. Hal wishes to amend the agreement to read 100% of eligible expenses over three years, instead of 70%, as was entered on the first agreement.
This will not raise the reimbursement amount to Hal, but only give him a larger amount of eligible expenses that will raise his collateral for investment.
Motion was made by Larry to accept the intergovernmental agreement with the amendments as noted. Motion was second by Dave. Motion carried.
President Knoup will be attending a meeting with Jim Sacia and area Mayors to report their concerns for area Villages. President Knoup will announce his number one concern as the cleanup of blockages in Yellow Creek to help reduce further flooding in our area.
Jamie stated that the Water & Sewer bonds are due January 1st. There is Approximately $37,000.00 in the fund now. We will owe $7,000.00 on the January payment. Jamie is requesting that we pay extra.
Motion was made by Jim to pay an additional $20,000.00 to the Water & Sewer bonds. Motion was second by Dave. Motion carried.
It was noted that the school would be furnishing a wish list for band items to be purchased through the band fund from the Village.
Rob has questioned as to whether his vacation days can be rolled over to next year. After discussion it was determined to table this matter until committee can get together and bring a final recommendation to the board in writing. It was determined that Rob will be reimbursed this year for the days not used.
Motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm by Larry. Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk