November 3, 2014
Call to order at 7:00 pm by Cheryl Liebenstein
Members answering roll call: Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The meeting was then turned over to Jim Westaby.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Mat. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Larry. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.
Second by Jim. Motion carried.
No transfer of fund needed
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Jim noted that the new light poles on Summit St. are metered and the accounts will need to be moved to Constellation billing.
Fehr-Graham was present to review our projects. Adam has submitted our “Pre-Grant” charges to FEMA for reimbursement. The amount is approximately $45,000.00
IDNR are reviewing the submitted appraisals for the Flood Buy-Out. The Commercial appraisals have been submitted and all the appraisal walks through have been completed.
Adam noted that the next step is to get bids for Asbestos removal and Demolition bids. Fehr-Graham will advertise and get the bids out to the public in January.
Waste Water Project- IDNR has issued our final permit and Kelsey excavating will be out late this week, with work to on the project to begin on the 10th of this month.
Streets & Alleys
The parking project is complete at the school. Jim has not heard any complaints.
The committee will look at the traffic congestion problems, before and after school, on Summit St. Jim suggested No Parking on one side of the street to allow more room for the buses to get through. He will continue to look at other alternative solutions.
The next court date for the open well issue will be December 19th.
No report
No report
New radios are here and in service.
Larry noted that the coverage hours are low. We will not pursue increased hours at this time since we have not had any problems within the Village at this time.
No report
Old Business
No old business
New Business
Rob’s evaluation is due next month. Any comments regarding his evaluation need to be given to Mat.
Board members were asked to think about what to do with the empty lots after the homes have been demolished.
Motion to adjourn at 7:55 pm by Larry
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk