November 2, 2020
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call, President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Mat. Motion carried.
No transfer of funds needed.
Maintenance Report
See attached for more
Jim received an estimate from Fehr-Graham for water main looping on South St to Devore to BradMar for $138,000.00. We will not get actual quotes until the project is let for bids.
Changes to the well #3 project include the removal of a switchback ramp and installing a lift for handicap access. The upgrades will build up the well so that it is above the last flood line. Improvements made to the building will allow handicap access and the building will also hold the electronics for both wells. If the board wants to continue this project for upgrades Fehr Graham will need time to file permits and let bids this winter yet.
Jim made a motion to continue with the well #3 project with the lift and to allow Fehr Graham to apply for the necessary permits and let bids. Motion second by Bob. Roll Call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
Mat made a motion to table the discussion of the water main looping until the December meeting. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
The board members would like to wait on this project to see what the actual numbers will be for the Well #3 project.
The board was approached regarding the possibility of turning the old café lot into a downtown parking area. Concerns were brought forward that it would only become a parking area for apartment buildings on Main St. At this time, the board wishes to keep the lot for now until we see more information on the actual use or see more business on Main St.
The board was pleased to see many sidewalk improvements by the residents. Just a reminder that the village will pay for the cost of the cement.
The Motor Fuel street (Summit/North) has a couple soft spots that Matin will keep looking at. They may have to redo those areas if they do not firm up.
Boco is in the process of putting underground tanks in at their new location. The tanks cannot be filled until blacktop has been completed.
There are several campers at the campground and will pay $300.00 per month per camper.
Kirk has several persons working on plans for the new bridge in the Prairie area. The Com-Ed grant runs thru 2022 so it allows us plenty of time to complete the project.
Rob noted that the Cemetery book is complete and up to date on the computer.
Reminder that the Tax Levy is due for the December meeting.
Complaints of barking dogs and the village had two dog attacks reported.
Dollar General hopes to have everything put together by February with construction to begin in the spring if there are no complications.
Little John’s Tap has requested a permanent beer garden due to ongoing restrictions with inside dining due to Covid-19. We will need to update our ordinance to include stop times as Sunday thru Thursday at 10:30pm and Friday/Saturday at 11:30pm.
They will need to fill out a building permit and present it to the board. Mat made a motion to allow the permanent beer garden for Little John’s Tap. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Chip Bowen will need a pour liquor license for the new building as he will be installing gambling machines. President Knoup suggested that we add an additional Class A license to our ordinance. Motion was made by Jim to add the additional Class A with Sunday sales to our Liquor Ordinance. Motion second with roll call vote as follows: Dave-yes, Kirk-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes, Bob-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
Old Business
New Business
The Legion Lions Homecoming Blvd is requesting a private entrance to their property. They are requesting a curb cut on North St. The board only needs to approve the curb cut. The drive will be on private property. Bob made a motion to approve the curb cut, with the property owner coming to us as a formal request, before it will be granted. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Rob’s annual review is due in December. Wages for elected officials cannot be adjusted as we missed the October cut off. The meeting pay can be adjusted at any time.
President Knoup brought forward Tim Martens as a replacement for Will Backus. The board had no objection and Tim will be sworn in at the December meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:20 by Bob. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk