May 5, 2014

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Swearing in of newly appointed Trustee Will Backus

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Will Backus, Dave Dixon and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Dave. Motion Carried.

The minutes from the Annual TIF Joint Review meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Mat.  Second by Bob.  Motion carried.

 The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Mat. Motion carried.

 No transfer of fund needed

 Financial Report

The Appropriations will need to be approved at the July meeting.  Mat has made a spreadsheet for each committee for review of the last three years.  Committee chairman will need to look at these and make adjustments to funds as needed and return to Mat.


Fehr-Graham, Adam, was present to review several ongoing projects. 

Waste Water Plan – Adam noted that Kelsey Excavating will begin work in early to med June.

FEMA Buy-Out – The Village has received a copy of the Grant Agreement from IEMA. The Village has given a copy to our lawyer for review.  Adam noted that there were several mistakes noted in the copy. Street addresses were wrong, one opt-out home was still listed and two lots were not listed.  These need to be corrected in the contract.  DNR has not finished their contract yet. No decision will be made until the Village has received both contract and both have been reviewed by the lawyer and the board members.

 Tim Thill (PC School) was present to speak to the board regarding the impact the Flood Buy-Out would have on the school district. Tim noted that the school board has talked about the buy-out at their last several meetings.  The school feels this will be a negative impact on them.  The District may lose up to $50,000 per year.  The EAV to the district will go down in tax amounts.  If students do not relocate to the district the school will lose another $3,406.00 per student per year.

This is not a short term impact but more so a long term impact.  Revenue has already been reduced and will be reduced even further in the next years.

The school board has looked at alternatives for revenue.  The Bond is done in six years.  The school could absorb the loss and then when funds have been depleted they would need to bond again.

Questions from the visitors included: What are the families planning on doing as to staying in the community or leaving? Visitors responded with minimal students impacted. *Six?* Most students will try to stay within the district.

 Member of the visitors suggested that the school district require teacher’s children pay tuition and not go to PC School for free.  Another recommended that the Administrators live within the district and pay taxes to the school.

 Gerald Woker noted that he would like to see the whole picture.  Wants to know what percentage of real estate tax is truly affected.

 Dan Kempel was present to ask the board what needs to be done for him to put an apartment building on Grant Street.  Dan was requested to bring plans to the board for approval.

Dan wants to know Why not get out while we can. He noted the quality of life is not good in the flooded homes.

Mat responded that the Village needs to abide by both contracts.  The board needs to make the best fit for the whole community.  They have to represent 100% of the people.

Visitors feel the village will look like a dump if the buy-out does not go through.

Many visitors were upset with the article and reporter that ran this past week. They feel the numbers were padded and that the paper should have reported both sides to the buy-out story.

President Knoup informed the audience that we still need to wait until we get both contracts and each are reviewed.  The board may hold a special public meeting before any action on the buy-out is taken. President Knoup also noted that Joel Kempel will talk with any business owners that are looking for land options to rebuild.

 Steve Cassill Pastor of Beloved Church for the past 2 ½ years wanted to let the board and residents that they love this town, they do not want to lose any students or residents. He noted that these things are very important to the church and that the church will stand behind the board regardless of the outcome of the decision to be made. Either way the vote goes Steve noted that the church members will be affected.

 Helen Cauther was present to voice her concern over semi-trailers parking in the Elevator lot with the trucks running all night.  This is private property and the village cannot make them move. This has to come from the lot owner.

 Maintenance Report

Streets & Alleys

 The committee reported that they have a couple of street projects they would like to complete.  They have a proposal to change the parking on Summit St at the school and they would like to add a storm sewer in the alley behind Kempel Construction building.

Motion was made by Dave to approve the bid for $4580.67 to install the storm sewer in the alley and to add the hole on Green Street to help with storm drainage.  Motion was second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Concern was brought forward regarding cars parking on the street at South and Summit. We will have Fred speak with the home owner to avoid cars parked on the street at the corner.


 There is another court date set for May 9th for the well issue.


Will was informed that he will need to look at lot prices and recommend increases.  Rob will show Will how to lay out a plot in case he needs to do it if Rob is not available.

President Knoup was approached to see if the Village would be interested in putting in a Mausoleum at the cemetery in the future. No discussion was made.


No report


Police hours have increased this past month.


New managers at BOCO have requested to sell beer earlier than noon on Sundays. They would like to get some of the traffic going to the lake. Board will discuss at the June meeting.

Little John’s is requesting a temporary beer garden for the Sand Volleyball games.

Motion was made by Dave to grant the beer garden for the Sand Volleyball games.  Motion second by Mat.  Motion carried.  Mary will give Bob a list of the dates and hours of the games.

Old Business

 New Business

 Will need to have Will do the FOIA and OMA training.

 Motion to adjourn at 9:20 pm by Mat

Second by Bob.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



June 2, 2014


April 7, 2014