June 2, 2014


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Will. Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented, with additions and corrections added. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Dave. Motion carried.

 No transfer of fund needed

 Financial Report

Rob hired Randy Potter to mow while he is on vacation. Randy will be paid $9.00 per hour.

Mat reminded committees of the Appropriations due in July.  Any project numbers need to be turned into Mat.


Fehr-Graham, Adam, was present to review several ongoing projects. 

FEMA Buy-Out – The Village has received a copy of the Grant Agreement from IEMA. The Village lawyer has reviewed the document. Adam noted that there were several mistakes in the copy. Street addresses were wrong, one opt-out home was still listed and two lots were not listed.  These need to be corrected in the contract.  IDNR contract has been forwarded to the lawyer. No problems were noted with this contract. The IDNR contract has not been through their own legal process yet.  They sent a copy to us before this was completed.

 Adam and President Knoup met with Hal Mckinski regarding building in the village.  Hal informed them that he still has 6 lots left in the subdivision. 

 Adam is looking for direction from the board on how we want to proceed or if we want a public meeting with representatives from FEMA/IDNR.  Jim suggested a public meeting with representatives in attendance.  This will not be done until both contracts have been reviewed.

IDNR will approve the appraiser and if they do not like the appraisal number they will request a second appraisal from another individual.

If the homeowner does not like the appraisal they may request a second appraisal but at a cost to them.

Adam noted that receipts should be submitted including receipts for labor done by the homeowner.

The board will meet with the attorney before a public meeting is announced.  We still have to wait for the IDNR contract to be out of their own legal department first.

Adam noted that we need to respond to the FEMA contract and that he will send corrections/questions to them this week.

  The public questioned if they would be able to see the contracts.  President Knoup informed them that after the Village signs the contracts it will become public after it goes on the agenda for vote.

 WASTEWATER PROJECT – Waiting for Kelsey to start. Adam noted that he needs to go over his schedule with Fehr-Graham first.

 Maintenance Report

Streets & Alleys

Jim met with the school regarding the proposed changes in parking on Summit St. The school may be interested in helping with part of the project.  Jim received bids for Cement and Blacktop and to core it out.  Estimates came in at approximately $30,000.00.

Mat wants to see a vote from the Park District for approval and a copy of the minutes for the Village records.

Jim is still working on possibly getting a tube on 73 down to the ditch on South St to help alleviate water runoff.


 There is another court date set for June 13th for the well issue. We are hoping to have a judgment on that day.


No report


The committee had a request from Zach Shippy to help cover the cost of landscaping the welcome rock.  Motion was made by the committee to pay Troop 27 $245.94 for landscaping of the Eagle Scout project.  Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.


The officers will now be handing out Ordinance violations as they see them or as they are reported.

Concern of a go cart riding on the streets.  Larry will inform Fred of this.


Received a request from Bowen Oil for a gaming license, which would require them to have a different liquor license.  Harry Bowen still needs to check on gaming machines.  Board would like to know what liquor license Lena will be issuing to Bowen Oil to cover the gaming machines.

Member of the audience questioned as to whether Pearl City really needed gaming/gambling in town.

Motion was made by Bob to approve the request for the Annual block party at Yellow Creek Inn.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.  President Knoup will inform Scott that there will be no vulgar language music.

Old Business

 Board members requested to table discussion on BOCO Sunday sale hours.

 New Business

 President wished to see a decision on whether the village would extend the TID for another 12 years.

We will set up a special meeting with the TIF lawyers to come and speak to the board before a decision is made.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Larry

Second by Mat.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



July 7, 2014


May 5, 2014