May 5, 2008
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Matt Diehl, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Matt.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds: None needed
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
New mower is here and is in use. Five of the seven new hydrants have been installed. The last two will be installed after school has been let out for the summer. Rob reported that he is working with HD Waterworks and will be installing proper covers on the storm drain inlets so kids cannot crawl inside.
See attached sheet.
Streets & Alleys
Motion was made by committee and second by Matt to accept Fehr & Graham’s agreement for the street maintenance and the approval of using the Motor Fuel Tax monies for our annual street maintenance. Motion carried. Bids will be let and should receive them by the June meeting. Fehr & Graham have estimated a cost of $88,000.00. The committee did make several street changes to allow more streets to be done on the North side of town.
The swale line behind Brian’s house that was done last summer will need to be re-done. Will look at burying an 8 inch tile line to alleviate the water problem.
The committee is looking at a more efficient diesel pump to replace the one we have. Ours is not efficient and takes just as long to get it running as it does to pump water.
Todd reported that the clean-up day went well and we filled seven dumpsters and two metal scrap dumpsters. A credit from the metal will be applied to our final bill.
Pres. Knoup met with Com-Ed regarding new lighting in the downtown area. Com-Ed’s prices were well over $100,000 and it was suggested that we take the poles down and repaint them to save on cost. At the same time we could have them rewired also.
No report
Old Business
We have received an estimated cost of $10,000 for a new siren system.
We did not get estimates for the price of a pole or installation. The board members have determined that we would purchase the system, install it and set up the program, then turn it over to the Fire Department.
The committee will need to set the regulations for use before turning over to the Fire Department.
We have had complaints regarding parking in the downtown area by apartment tenants, leaving very few spaces open for business parking. Suggest that we send letters requesting tenants to be more mindful of parking for businesses.
We had three applications for summer help. Motion was made by Jim to accept Christopher Aspinwall’s application. Motion second by Brian. Motion carried.
Christopher will start at $7.50 per hour since this is his first year with the Village.
The EPA has taken several more core samples from the gas station site.
The committee will begin to compile a resolution for stipulations on the sale of the land. The board members will wait until we get the final clearing from the EPA before we let any bids for the sale. If the samples come back clean, we could bid as early as June or July.
New Business
The Village is looking for any interested persons to adopt the downtown planters for the summer to plant and maintain the flowers throughout the summer and fall.
Matt will be setting up a new committee with the School board for the Safe Route to School Program. The committee will submit a new proposal for grant money.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Dave.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk