April 7, 2008
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Matt Diehl, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.
Motion Second by Matt.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Matt.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds: None needed
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Rob has started street sweeping and will continue through April.
Tree trimming estimates are in and Rob will follow up with Top to Bottom to get started. (2 removes, 2 trims, raise canopy on South St. approx. $2700.00)
New computer has arrived, but need to wait for Media-Com to run lines for internet installation.
Streets & Alleys
Brian spoke with Fehr & Graham regarding the curb and gutter project. They do not think we need to install new storm drains or inlets with the project. Fehr & Graham estimated the project at $77,000.00 for the curb and gutter and sidewalk replacement. The committee made a motion to approve the curb and gutter project and to allow Fehr & Graham to continue and bid the project for completion this summer. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
We will have a resolution written for the May meeting which will allow our Motor Fuel Tax monies to be transferred to our yearly Street Maintenance program.
Discussion then moved to the street maintenance and the possibility of lack of funds after the TIF is completed. Pres. Knoup does not want to see all the streets come due for resurfacing at the same time. It was noted that our hot mix streets will easily last fifteen years or longer and board members felt with less traveled streets, many would not need resurfacing for twenty years.
After discussion, motion was made by Brian to have the Curb and Gutter project paid from the TIF fund. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Brian to allow the summer street maintenance up to $100,000.00 for the hot mix overlays with any TIF streets to be paid out of TIF fund and all other streets to be paid from the General fund. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried. The streets to be done will be determined by the committee and Fehr & Graham.
Fehr & Graham received confirmation that we did not receive any grant money for the “Walk to School” sidewalk program. They felt our project was too large. President Knoup will speak to Fehr & Graham about submitting a smaller portion of the project.
There was discussion with parking on E.Devore St and future implications if the building on Devore and Main was to be sold and converted to apartments. President Knoup will speak to realtor regarding our off-street parking ordinance.
We have received two bids for five new hydrants. Jim made a motion to accept the low bid from J&R Supply for five Kennedy 6 inch hydrants for $7,250.00. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried. These will replace our oldest hydrants and bring all the hydrants to post 1988.
The water meter has been installed at the Elevator for metered services until fall.
The new generator is here and waiting for installation.
No news on the removal of the old water tower.
Cemetery mowing for the summer was bid out with only one bid received.
Committee made a motion to accept the bid from Ed Stubbe for $140.00 per mowing. Motion second by Brian. Motion carried.
Committee reported that our Annual clean-up day will be May 3rd from 8am to 3pm. Previous guidelines will apply again this year. We will recycle all metal as before.
Reports of vandalism by paintball guns and dogs running loose.
Our officers will continue to monitor these reports.
New liquor license to be delivered to the businesses this month.
Motion was made by Larry to allow Yellow Creek Inn to block off E. Devore St. for their annual block party June 6th and 7th with all prior rules and regulations to be followed as before. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
Old Business
Motion was made by Jim to donate to the Post Prom committee $100.00 from the Band Fund. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
Pres. Knoup reported that we will need two more soil samples from the old gas station lot, but at this time it looks like we should have a clean site with no additional problems within 60-90 days from the soil samples.
The committee reported that we have approximately $12,500.00 invested in the site. The committee will write a draft ordinance for the option to sell the property, with guidelines stated for the land use, construction time-lines, business options, etc.
Matt made a motion to accept the Ordinance for Resolution of Inter-Governmental Agreement with the Fire District as written by the lawyers. Motion second by Jim with roll call vote as follows: Todd-yes, Matt-yes, Jim-yes, Brian-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-abstain, Let the record 5-yes, 1-abstain.
New Business
Motion was made by Todd to donate $400.00 to the annual Firemen’s Dance for entertainment, to be paid from the Band fund. Motion second by Matt. Motion carried.
We will again be using one person for summer maintenance. Applications will be delivered to the School and Library. Applications will be reviewed at the May meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm by Larry.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk