June 2, 2008
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Matt Diehl, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Matt.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds: None needed
Financial Report
Bill Liebenstein and Larry Schuler, representing the Legion, were present regarding the Legion parking lot.
Bill noted that there have been broken beer bottles, tire markings and large congregation of young people at night. The Legion is requesting options of what needs to be done to correct the problems.
They informed the board members that there is not enough parking during a Legion function when we have the lot open for public parking.
Board members suggested the Legion go back to putting up the sign to close the parking lot when they have a public function or when the Hall is rented out. This should eliminate excess cars that do not need to be there and free up the parking spaces.
President Knoup will have the police make pass through in the lot when there is a congregation of young people. The Legion does not want to run the crowd out of town; they just want the illegal alcohol consumption and littering to stop. The County will be notified and requested to check the lot periodically with the permission from the Legion noted.4
Maintenance Report
Rob informed the board that he has begun to apply larvacide to help curb the mosquito population.
Hydrant flushing will resume on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month till late fall.
Streets & Alleys
We had one bid for the annual street maintenance from Civil. The bid came in 8% above the engineer estimate.
The committee made a motion to accept the Civil bid for $92,403.90 for annual street maintenance for 2008. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
The curb and gutter for S. Main has been approved by IDOT and bids will be available for the July meeting.
The committee will be working on a new Sidewalk Improvement Plan for the Village.
It was brought to the attention of the board that the street sign for Breezeway is wrong. A new sign will be ordered. Com-Ed will be notified that a street light on Breezeway is in need of a new eye.
Pres. Knoup will also notify Hal Mckinski of his duty to install sidewalks on lots that have been built in Windhaven.
The committee received a quote of $1,700.00 to rebuild the sump pump. Jim will work on getting prices for a similar pump for replacement.
The generator is waiting for PDC to come in and hook up. The cement slab has been poured and Rob has the pump at the site.
We will need to notify the State that the highway tube by John St. is plugged and causing backup at the drop box.
The State was here and removed the corn stalks from the ditch line. The committee noted that the cemetery looked good for Memorial Day and that all the flags have been replaced with new ones.
No Report
The committee received reports of drinking at Mill Pond. Will have the Police patrol the area more often.
It was noted that we have had numerous drive-offs at Bo-co.
Old Business
Pres. Knoup met with Precision Drive regarding our current street lights.
They will gives us a breakdown of pricing for keeping our current poles and taking them down, painting, re-wiring and installing new fixtures on them.
President Knoup spoke with the owner of the old milk factory and informed him that he will need to fill the well that is on his property.
Reminder that Yellow Creek Inn will be holding their outside Band festivities this week end.
We have not heard any reports from the EPA on the latest soil bores from the old gas station site.
Com-Ed will be moving the electric pole at Main and Goldmine.
Jim noted that he has received two bids for the new siren system, but is waiting for a third bid. He wants to meet with the Fire Department to look at the bids and get their input since they will be maintaining it after installation. Com-Ed has donated a forty foot pole for us to mount the siren on.
Matt reported that the first joint meeting of the Safe Route to School will be held on Wednesday June 4th at the school.
Todd reported that the annual clean up day went well. The Village received a credit of $862.50 for the scrap metal.
New Business
Dave noted that it is now time for appropriations and requested all committees to submit their list of projects to him before the July meeting. The committee will meet to finalize the appropriations before the July meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Larry.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk