May 5, 2003


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 The new trustees from the April 1st consolidated election were sworn in before roll call was taken. The members are Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess and Dave Dixon.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Brian Schiess, Larry Johnson, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Brian.

Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.

Second by Dave S.

Motion carried.

Transfer of funds-Motion to transfer $$3,300 from Sales to the General fund by Jim.  Second by Dave S. Motion carried.

 Financial Report

The committee had discussed with Jamie regarding a change in our accounting system.  Jamie reported that for a more accurate up to date account we should change to the cash basis system.  This system will also allow more accurate reporting with out annual TIF audit.

Dave S. made the motion to switch the accrual basis accounting system to the cash basis accounting system, effective fiscal year 2003.  Motion was second by Jim.  Motion carried.


 Bill Liebenstein was present to represent the Legion-Lions. He thanked the board members who helped to install the four benches at the cemetery.

Bill spoke regarding the Homecoming events and the idea to make this a better year. The committee has divided the town into 5 sections with each section entering a float into the parade.  Each float will receive $50 and an extra $50 to the top entry.  Bill also informed the board that there would be no beer tent this year.

Bill has requested a donation from the Village to cover the cost of the extra five floats. A total of $300.

 Maintenance Report

See attached report

Rob reported that Ed Stubbe would be working part-time this summer with him. He is to start the week of May 12th.

 Streets & Alleys

Tom Mathews from Fehr & Graham has reported that we will have the street bids opening in approximately 2-3 weeks.  This is the bid for the Curb and Gutter Street on E. Devore St.

 The village will not be doing the regular street sealing this year due to the cost of the curb and gutter street.

 The committee reported that Jeff Hass would be putting in new sidewalks at his home.  The committee has requested that a handicap ramp be constructed at the corner while the work is being done.  The village will cover the cost of the ramp.

Summit St. will again be tore up to repair a gas leak.

The cemetery street will need to have seal coat this year.

The elevator will cover the cost of seal coating the expanded parking area next to the Post Office.


Fehr & Graham have new street maps for the Village Hall. These maps have been treated so that we can write on them and erase.  The committee has a meeting with Fehr & Graham on the 13th.

The committee reported that Harmon did not receive the grant they wanted for our old water tower. Fehr & Graham will be meeting with officials from Harmon to discuss other options.  We will refill the tank and leave it set until sold.


 Dave Dixon has resumed the position of chairman for the committee.

He helped to install the new benches with the Legion.  Dave reported that red mulch was added to the Memorial Garden and new flags have been ordered for Memorial Day.  The committee has replaced three trees.

It was reported that more fill dirt would be hauled in when school is out for the summer.


Buildings & Grounds

 The committee presented photos of the new Welcome signs for the Village. The committee will meet and finalize three designs for the board to vote on at the June meeting.

The annual Clean up Day will be held June 7th from 7am to 3pm. Will not be taking yard waste, tires or batteries.  We will accept any appliance with freon

Ed Stubbe has received the cemetery-mowing bid for $125.00 per mowing.  He has already started for the season.

Rob has requested that we purchase a pull behind trailer for the mowers when he has to go to the towers.  The committee will check on prices and purchasing.


 The police department has monitored another 94 vehicles for speeding on Walgren rd. This test was done in a private vehicle.  Only two vehicles were over the limit and both were stopped.

The Village received a Thank You letter from Sheriff Snyders for the donation to the Dare Program.


New license renewals have been completed.

Old Business

Thomas Jacob has sent a proposal to the committee to review regarding TIF money reimbursement for the business sector.  The committee will meet to review this proposal.

 New Business

 New appointments have been made for the committee and chairmen.

Motion was made by Brian to donate to the Legion-Lions Homecoming $300.00 to cover the cost of the extra floats this year.  Motion was second by Larry.  Motion carried. The donation will be taken from the Public Benefit fund to help better the annual event.

Rob’s evaluation is due. The Finance committee will meet privately with Rob and bring a recommendation to the board.


Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm by Larry.  Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



June 2, 2003


April 7, 2003