April 7, 2003
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Don Earlenbaugh, Brian Schiess, Larry Johnson, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry.
Second By Don.
Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Don.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Dave.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-Motion to transfer $5,847.02 from Sales to the TIF fund by Dave. Second by Larry. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Bill Liebenstein was present to represent the Legion-Lions Homecoming for 2003. He stated that there are 4 benches ready to install at the cemetery. Want to work on them this week if President Knoup is available. Dedication ceremony will be held Memorial Day May 26th at 11AM at the cemetery.
Bill requested that the board members ride in the parade as a group.
The parade will be held Sat. July 26th at 11AM.
President Knoup welcomed the Girl Scout Troop to the meeting.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
There have been complaints regarding truck drivers using their jake brakes when entering the Village. The committee has been asked to look into possible solutions to this problem.
Also many trucks entering and leaving the elevator by the way of South St. Committee concerned with the weight on the sand seal street. President Knoup advised that this is not a problem, but will remind the elevator to instruct drivers to use the entrance at the post office from now on.
There has been a new pump ordered for one of the wells. This pump will be covered under our insurance. The committee has been requested to find someone to level and reseed where the new sewer line went in at Pickard’s.
The water & sewer rates will increase with our standard 25 cents. Jamie noted that garbage rates would also increase 30 cents.
Don has received two bids for 4-inch PVC pipes and chains for a decorative fencing at the cemetery. Brinkmeier’s Plumbing quoted approximately $511 and Spahn & Rose quoted approximately $1,050.
A Thank You letter will be sent to the elevator for their $510 donation to the cemetery project.
The committee will meet on the 14th to discuss summer help and open bids for mowing if needed. Depending on the outcome of the summer help discussion.
Buildings & Grounds
There will be no full time summer help hired this year. The committee will hire a retired person for part time help as needed.
The committee will speak with Gill’s disposal and set a date for our annual Spring Clean up.
The committee made a motion to donate $200 to the DARE program. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Andrew Nelson sent President Knoup a letter regarding the speeding traffic on Walgren Rd. He now requests that the Village install a 3 way stop at Walgren and Breezeway.
The police department has monitored this section for over 100 hours. In that time frame there has been two violations of speeding. 2 vehicles out of 106. The committee will have the police continue with another monitor in an unmarked car. No decision will be made until these numbers are received.
Fred Cass has won a portable Breathalyzer for the village.
New license renewals will be given to the businesses this month.
Old Business
President Knoup has been working with Jim Henry on the sale of the old gas station. No news to report this month.
The Building & Grounds committee reported that they have a company whom will custom make “Welcome” signs for the village. It would take about 5-6 weeks for the completed signs.
A motion was made to purchase 2 signs for the North and South ends of the Village limits by Brian. Motion was second by Todd. Motion carried.
Jamie reported that we have sufficient funds in the Public Benefit fund to cover the cost. The committee will purchase the signs and have them installed.
President Knoup was approached by Joel Kempel/Yellow Creek Inn regarding any information on the TIF reimbursement for business. Finance committee reported that it is still in the planning stage, but hope to have a meeting with Tom Jacobs in May. The committee was instructed to let Joel know when the committee will meet next so that he may attend.
Post Prom has approached the Village for a donation for this year’s prom. Bob made a motion to donate $100 for post prom for entertainment, to be taken from the Band Fund. Motion was second by Dave. Motion carried.
New Business
President Knoup attended a meeting of the Mayors in Stephenson County, with representatives from the Stephenson County Board. The Mayors will continue to meet on a regular basis to provide the County board with input in various areas of concern for the municipalities.
The board received a building permit from Fred Domberger, which requires a variance. He will be building a new garage that will be 3 foot from the lot line. Motion was made to grant the variance to Fred for his garage. Motion second by Brian. Motion carried.
President Knoup has signed 2 proclamations for National Volunteer Week and Motor Cycle Awareness Month for May.
Jamie reported that we were having problems with our computer system locking up. The computer is five years old and Jamie quoted $1.079.00 for a new system.
The Building and Grounds committee will work with Jamie to either update or replace the computer.
There have been complaints regarding dogs and owners not cleaning up after them. Cheryl will run the Dog Ordinance once a month for several months in the paper. Rob reported that he would be flushing hydrants on the third Friday of each month during the summer. Flushing will begin with the month of April.
The cemetery committee requested that all decorations be removed by April 28th for spring clean up and mowing.
The board canvassed the votes from the April 1st election. The Village had 175 votes cast. Motion was made by Bob to accept the votes as presented by Stephenson County Clerk’s Office. Motion was second by Dave. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Todd to donate $200.00 to Gerry Leary and his crew, for the cleanup project they under took on Yellow Creek, by Larry.
Motion was second by Todd. Motion carried.
Rob reported that he needs to have a new airpak or his repaired. He will check with the Fire Department to see if they are willing to sell one of their old ones. He will also have Steve Miller check his since he is a Scott airpak repair technician.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm by Brian. Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk