June 2, 2003

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Larry Johnson, Dave Dixon, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave S.

Second By Brian.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Dave D.

Motion carried.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Dave S.

Second by Brian.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-None needed

 Financial Report


 Shane Johnson was present regarding the petition to install a stop sign at Walgren and Breezeway Dr. 21 persons from the Neighborhood signed the petition for the stop sign.  Hoping to use it as a deterrent for speeding vehicles.  Their biggest concern was the kids who are crossing Walgren and walking to Dori St.

Pres. Knoup reviewed with Shane the results of the radar testing on that road that Fred Cass had performed.  Last test resulted in only two stops for the month of April.

Pres. Knoup requested that board members speak with individuals to get more specifics on why they signed.  Discussion on the subject involved a possible 20 MPH limit and putting in sidewalk on that stretch of Walgren Rd. to help keep the kids off the road.

Pres. Knoup voiced his opposition to the stop sign and requested that the police and streets committees meet and bring a plan to the board at the July meeting.  This will need to proceed as a safety issue and not a speeding issue as first thought.

 Eric White was present to introduce himself to the board.  He is the new owner of Yellow Creek Inn.  Eric is looking to get a liquor license.  Pres. Knoup is currently doing the background check and sees no reason to delay the license, as he had to be checked at his previous ownership in ASA’s and Mulligan’s.

Pres. Knoup reported to Eric that according to the policies, there is no refund of the license, nor could the previous owners transfer the license. There is a six-month payment option if needed.

Maintenance Report

See attached report

 Streets & Alleys

We are currently waiting for the approval of the Motor Fuel Money for the Devore St. curb and gutter.  Once approval is here, the bids will be done and opened by Fehr & Graham.

There is a hole in the street behind the pump house.  The 18-inch tube needs to be replaced.  Loberg’s was asked to give a price for their time and material since they are currently working at the area. If =the price is too high, we will have to bid the project out. 

John McGee is doing the handicap ramp at the Hass resident.  Brian asked if he could have 3-4 more done at the school while Mr. McGee was in town,

The committee would like to see 4-5 done per year to keep up and replace or install as needed.

The cemetery road will be done for the same bid price as was given to the board last fall.

Rob requested that he get Brinkmeier’s plumbing to clean a catch basin that is packed too tight to flush out.


  The village has an interested person in taking the old tower from us.

Pres. Knoup requested the OK to meet with the gentleman and continue negotiations to have it removed.

Rob reported that the state has set new ammonia release numbers for all ponds.  He has tested Mill pond and we are at acceptable levels.


 The new flags are in and one has already torn.  We will begin to have the military flags repaired, but not the American flag.


Buildings & Grounds

 The annual clean up day is set for Saturday June 6 from 7-3.  The committee is requesting board members to help for the day. 

Rob had ML VanHorn in to move all the concrete from behind the village building to the creek and to level off the back.  The work has been completed.

The committee presented the board with three proposals for the new “Welcome” signs for the village. They included one with “Home of the wolves”, one with Andrew’s Mill and one with the Clam and Pearl.  The committee made the motion to purchase the Wolf and Andrew Mill, to be installed on the North and South edge of the Village.  Roll call vote was taken. Todd- yes, Larry-yes, Brian- yes, Dave D.- yes, Dave S. –yes. Let the record show 5- yes and 1 absent.


 The committee inquired as to whether 120 hours per month is adequate for coverage for the Village.  At present time, we have very little night coverage.  Fred has an individual whom is interested in picking up hours.

Discussion determined that 120 hours was sufficient at this time, but this past month we were well below the hours needed. We will allow another officer to pick up hours, but it was determined that the officer will need to work evening and night hours only.

Rob will print door hangers for homes, which are in need of mowing.  These will then be followed with a police visit if not compliant.


Little John’s has requested a beer garden at his place of business for the Homecoming weekend. The Liquor commissioner has recommended we extend him the beer garden on his current liquor license.  Motion was made by Larry to permit the beer garden and to give Pres. Knoup the OK to take care of this.  Motion second by Brian.  Motion carried.

Old Business

Rob has been instructed to post the retention ponds with the “Dog Ordinance to deter persons using this and not cleaning up the mess.

The board has received a Thank You from Post Prom and The Fire Dept. for the recent donations.

New Business

 Jamie reported that O’connor, Brooks could no longer do the payroll and certain parts of the audit.  Jamie will do the payroll, but will need permission to download the current tax tables.  The board gave permission. This is a one-time download for approximately $167.00.

O’Connor, Brooks cannot do the Appropriation ordinance, so this will need to be done by the Finance committee.  Jon Schubert will be asked to attend the committee meeting to assess why we need to continue with the firm’s services.  The appropriations will need to be ready for finalization at the July meeting.

The Tax levy will also need to be completed by the board members.

If the committee feels that Jon has not answered all their questions, he will be asked to attend the July meeting.

Jamie reported that bond interest payment is due July 1.  We have excess in the fund and requested that we pay additional on the principal.

The interest payment is $2,257.76, we have $33,000 in the account and we only owe $60,000.  The Finance committee made the motion to pay an additional $20,000 on the bonds.  Motion second by Dave D.  Motion carried.

The committees met regarding Rob’s evaluation.  It was determined that Rob is paying an additional $460 per year out of pocket to cover his  Major medical insurance.  The committee recommends that we increase his health benefit payment to $4,500 per year. This is an increase of $500.00.

Motion was made by the committee to increase the health insurance payment by $500 for a total of $4,500 per year.

Motion was second by Todd.  Roll call vote was taken with results as follows.  Todd-yes, Dave D. -yes, Larry-yes, Dave S. -yes, Brian-yes.

Let the record show 5-yes and 1-absent.

 The personnel book will need to be updated regarding the Health insurance benefit to be paid.

The book will reflect that the board will pay an annual sum to be determined by the members.


Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by Larry.  Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



July 7, 2003


May 5, 2003