May 2, 2016
Call to order at 7:00 pm by Village Clerk
Members answering roll call: Mat Diehl, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The meeting was turned over to Trustee Jim Westaby.
The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
Dave made a motion to pay all bills as presented with the addition of the Police Payroll hours. Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Dave.
Second by Larry. Motion carried.
No transfer of funds
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Mowing has started. They will be moving the siren on Wednesday. Rob has ordered a new pressure sensor for the water tower. The new belly mower for the tractor will be in soon. Rob also noted that the Clean Up day is ready to go and the scouts will again be helping all day.
The board has hired two part time summer help for mowing.
Fehr-Graham has scheduled an informational meeting for the Buy-Out home owners. This meeting will cover any questions they have regarding the Buy-Out and the delay caused by the state not approving a fiscal budget. The meeting will be held at 6 pm June 6th, right before the regular scheduled board meeting.
Tina Endress was present representing Friends of Mill Pond. Tina asked if Playground equipment can be added at the pond. Brent and Beth Schneider are willing to donate a wooden set up if permitted. Jamie will check with our insurance and confirm with Tina. Tina noted that they want to do some Fun Days for kids and was wondering what was permitted, such as pot lucks? They will check with the Health Department before making any plans.
It was also noted that they would like to see the Welcome signs on the North and South end of the village cleaned up. They have donation money available for perennial plants. Board members were in favor of the cleanup and planting of flowers. Rob requested that they keep this low maintenance and avoid grass by using a rock bed instead.
The organization inquired if the village would like to make a donation or to purchase items needed such as garbage cans for Mill Pond. The board will discuss and let Tina know.
The board also suggested that the organization slow down on improvements and changes until the buy-out homes are gone and then try to incorporate some of that land with the Mill Pond revitalization.
No information available at this time for an overlay on Summit and First streets. The Sidewalk project has been approved and may be let for bids for work in the fall. Jim noted that the Walking Path project is on hold for now.
The second reading and final approval of the Well Ordinance has been tabled until the June meeting.
Rob and Fehr-Graham had the final walk through on the lagoon. Fehr-Graham also checked on the Busser home on Garfield regarding the water. They noted that this was all ground water from the spring and there was really nothing the village can do to improve it. Fehr-Graham will send a letter to the homeowner with the findings of the survey.
The Cheese factory is looking for emergency contacts to haul wastewater out if their facility becomes too full. Rob will look to see if our system can handle the extra load and check on dumping to the lagoon or to a lift station. The Cheese factory does reimburse for the loads taken.
No report
No report
Fred has hired Gene Woodley as an officer for 20 hours per month.
No report
Old Business
Rob noted that he has a delinquent bill on a cemetery plot. He will send one more invoice requesting payment.
New Business
Motion was made to accept the engagement letter from O’Connor Brooks for the audit for the next fiscal year by Mat, second by Dave. Motion carried. The agreement will include an extra cost for auditing of the grant money for the wastewater project.
The village has had inquires regarding poultry within the village limits. We have an ordinance regarding livestock and poultry. Board members agreed to table this request until the June meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:00 by Larry
Second by Bob. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk