June 6, 2016
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Dave. Motion Carried.
Jim made a motion to pay all bills as presented with the addition of the committee to approve payment to Sergeant Welding. Second by Bob. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Dave. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Will to transfer $7,000.00 from Sales account to the General fund. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
We will need to send a copy of the Mowing Ordinance to several properties. After seven days if it is not mowed we will mow and send a bill. Jamie will check on the Lien process for the mowing and outstanding water bills. The committee will need to speak with the Officers to serve the Ordinance papers for mowing.
Tina Endress was present representing Friends of Mill Pond. She will be landscaping the wire sign at the south end of town. Darla Hasselman has donated Memorial money from Merna Groezinger for this project. Tina will maintain the site.
Tina inquired about insurance coverage for canoeing and kayaking at the pond. The village insurance will not cover and it is not an option thru our insurance. Organizations will have to have proof of insurance before they use the pond for water activities. Tina was informed that the sign for canoe and kayak launching will need to come down.
Tina will not be able to use donated playground equipment at Mill Pond. Any equipment must be new and within the warranty period. Jamie will check with specifics when the committee brings ideas to the board for possible purchase of playground equipment.
Tina inquired about the south end of the pond being dredged. She was informed that this will not ever happen as it is a retention area for flooding. The Friends committee would like to plant larger trees along the walking path. Their goal is to not have to ever mow this area and leave as a forested area.
Rob noted that if there are complaints on mosquitoes he will have to mow.
Tina noted that there is an ultraviolent spray that they will use to prevent the geese from using the walk path. President Knoup did note that if the Village would ever have to expand the sewer system again that they would be using part of this area.
They would like to add a GEO Cash box to Mill Pond. This is used as a game where persons find the box using coordinates and then leave a message or trinket in the box.
They asked about liability for Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts to use Mill Pond for a campsite. Tina was informed that she should speak with the Park District regarding insuring Mill Pond as their insurance would cover many of the activities she is interested in doing there.
Fehr-Graham informed the committee that they should not use Motor Fuel monies for repaving of First Street. Adam noted that we could use the Motor Fuel money for part of Rob’s wages, Cold patch, and salt. Adam will get us a complete list of what can be paid from Motor Fuel. We will look at doing the Cemetery road through Motor Fuel since we will not have curb and gutter or sidewalk ramps to install.
Adam will get us some prices for the cost of repaving First st.
No Report
Another bill has been sent for nonpayment of a cemetery plot.
Bob noted that the roof at the pump house needs to be torn off and replaced. The committee has been approved to complete the project.
Sand Volleyball has started and they will be having a beer garden on the nights that they play. We will need to have a schedule of their games.
Old Business
The wooden Welcome signs at the North/South end of town need to be repainted. Each sign will cost approximately $1280.00if the company picks up the signs. Jim also noted that the post are rotting and will need to be replaced. The committee has approval to complete the project and have the signs privately painted.
New Business
President Knoup requested that the board consider re-zoning all of Main St/Rt. 73 for Business. He would like to see this zoned for business before we get any more inquires from future businesses. The board would need to have a public hearing before any vote would be taken.
Dave noted that we will have an informational speaker from the Community Development and Planning at our July meeting.
The July meeting will be held on Tuesday July 5th due to the holiday.
Motion was made by Dave to include in the Livestock ordinance Poultry and Waterfowl. Motion second by Larry. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Larry-yes, Jim-yes, Will-no, Dave-yes. Let the record show 4-yes, 1-No and 1-absent.
Any homeowner with Poultry and/or waterfowl will be grandfathered in at this time.
It was advised that any rental of the building needs to go through Brent Schneider.
We will need to reimburse Joel Kempel for lost crops due to the water reservoir overflowing. Larry will take charge of the compensation.
Motion to adjourn at 8:50 by Bob
Second by Larry. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk