April 4, 2016
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Mat Diehl, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Larry. Second by Mat. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with the addition of the Kelsey Excavating invoice. Second by Larry. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Larry.
Second by Dave. Motion carried.
No transfer of funds
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
The village will be hiring summer help for mowing. Motion was made by Mat to pay $10.00 per hour. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried. Will and Bob will review the applications and make a final decision for hiring. Rob noted that there will be more cost involved in moving the Fire siren. He will need to hire a crane to move it. Motion was made by Dave and second by Mat to hire a crane and electrician to complete the move of the siren.
Fehr-Graham was not present at the meeting but President Knoup informed the board that the Sidewalk proposed changes have been signed but not approved at this time. The project will not get done this year and will be bid in early spring of 2017.
Casey’s gas station is waiting on availability of property. It was noted that three different sites may be available to build if property owners will sell.
Leann Heimerdinger was present to request information for a Health Assessment class/Policy in Government. She is looking for Strengths and Weakness as seen by the local government. Strengths in the Village were noted to be our School System, Fire Department and Housing costs. Our weakness was noted to be Economic growth-can’t or don’t support business, Funding of new and/or existing business and lack of hours of Police protection.
Darel Busser was present to inquire as to whether the Village would be tiling behind his house in Garfield St. He noted that the field has been flagged but did not know if this was from the village. The board advised him that this was not from the village. President Knoup noted that the Brady subdivision has been wet since the day it was built on. The board would like to get an expert to come and look at the situation and pinpoint the problem with the constant water collection on this property. This will also show who is ultimately responsible for any changes. We will contact Fehr-Graham to look at this.
We will be getting estimates to both grind and overlay First and Summit St or to reconstruct the street.
The board had the first reading of the proposed Well Ordinance.
Gill’s announced that the garbage rate will increase by 42 cents. Dave also noted that the water rate will increase by the annual rate of 25 cents.
Will has been told that Micro Seal on the cemetery road will not be appropriate and that he was advised to do a complete tear down and rebuild. He will continue to look for other options.
New lights have been installed at Mill Pond.
The board discussed Ordinance enforcement with Fred Cass. Board members would like to see more productivity from the officers when they are on duty. If they see a violation of an ordinance they would like for the officer to address it at that time. Fred would like to see a list of violations posted in their office so that all the officers can make notes as to who was seen and what still needs to be addressed.
Board members also voiced their concern over the lack of hours the officers are putting in. Fred will look to add more officers to increase the coverage in the village.
The insurance company has clarified their recommendations for events held on the streets. If the Village would hold an event we would need to abide by the Insurance Company’s recommendations. Other businesses need to present to the village Certificate of Liability insurance in the appropriate amount as recommended by our insurance company.
Motion to approve Brew N Chew outdoor activities/band on August 6th by Dave. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
Old Business
Reminder that the Village clean up day will be held May 7th
New Business
Motion to adjourn at 8:35 by Larry
Second by Dave. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk