March 7, 2016
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Larry. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections. Second by Bob. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.
Second by Larry. Motion carried.
Transfer of funds – Motion was made by Mat and second by Larry to transfer $3,000.00 from Sales to General fund.
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
Rob has been fixing water boxes. He attended a chemical safety class. The pumps were pulled and checked for blockage. Rob is looking for a mower deck. He needs to bring in gravel in order to get to the lagoons to check the pumps. This gravel will be charged to Kelsey Excavating. New flags have been ordered for the Cemetery and building.
Fehr-Graham was not present at the meeting but President Knoup informed the board that Adam has a meeting this week with a possible investor/business for the village. He also has a meeting with Brian Stewart regarding the buy-out and no budget passed. (Budget may not be passed until November of this year) He will contact the Federal agency to help put pressure on the state to pass budget or release funds to finish the buy-out program. If no results Adam will have to file an extension for the Buy-out.
The Sidewalk to School program will not be done this year. The design has been delayed and changes need to be made. This will not allow enough time to bid the program for completion this summer.
The Co-op parking lot needs to have cold patch applied to the pot holes. President Knoup will speak with the manager regarding the need for a complete blacktop of the lot.
No report
The committee is working on the map with Fehr-Graham. Will is looking at prices for a Micro Seal on the road in the cemetery. Will will contact someone to look at repairs needed for the wall.
No report
Fred will attend the April meeting for discussion on Ordinance enforcement and police hours.
Brew N Chew has requested Saturday August 6th for their annual beer garden that night and to have a Sunday Family day with no alcohol on the street.
This request has been tabled until April meeting. We need to verify with insurance on the regulations of another business having an event on the village streets.
Old Business
President Knoup is still working with 2 businesses that are still interested in building in the village. (Saunders Oil and Casey’s)
It was reported that Dollar General is not interested at this time.
The TIF meeting for extension was positive with the taxing bodies in favor of the extension. We still need to talk with Highland College.
The gaming money has been deposited in the Sales tax fund. The board will need to ear mark this money for future projects.
New Business
The annual Clean Up Day will be held May 7th from 8-2; we will not be accepting any electronics this year.
Motion was made by Bob to give $100.00 donation to the Post Prom. Motion second by Will. Motion carried.
Boulevard Bash will be held August 27th this year.
Motion to adjourn at 7:35 by Larry
Second by Bob. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk