March 3, 2008
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Matt Diehl, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Matt.
Second by Larry.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Dave.
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds: Motion was made by Matt to transfer $3,000.00 from the Sales Tax fund to the General account. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Financial Report
No visitors present, but President Knoup reported for Bill Liebenstein, for the Legion-Lions Homecoming activities. Homecoming weekend will be held the first weekend in August. The clubs are requesting donations for entertainment and fireworks. Dave made a motion to give the clubs $1,500.00 for entertainment expenses for the Homecoming activities. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
Discussion was brought forward at this time concerning the band fund and the elimination of such fund. Matt reported that he looked into the statutes and it was noted that the levy may be dropped for a period of two years and at the end of the two years, any remaining money in the fund could be transferred to the General account.
Matt made a motion to drop the levy on the Band fund for the next two years. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
The fund committee was requested to check with the Band/Music director at the school to determine if they have items which are needed at this time.
Maintenance Report
Rob has requested the board look at putting in a gas storage tank at the maintenance building. The board wants Rob to bring quotes for a storage tank and average prices for filling to the April meeting.
Streets & Alleys
Brian reported that he spoke with Tom Mathews regarding the street maintenance for this summer. Tom has put together a listing of the streets to be done. The board has determined that we will need the projected costs for the Main St. curb and gutter project before we can determine how much we will spend on the street maintenance plan.
The committee asked Rob to look at some of the existing snow piles and push them farther back away from the corners and to start looking for trouble spots and tree roots up heaving any sidewalks which he fells may need replacing.
No report
No report
The committee reported that we had 11 sealed bids on the S-10 truck and 11 sealed bids on the Dump truck, with high bid for the S-10 at $1,451.00 and $4,650.00 for the Dump Truck.
The committee made a motion to accept the High bid for the S-10 at $1,451 to Charlie Boop and the high bid for the Dump truck at $4,650 to Gene Gassman. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Discussion continued regarding the replacement of the mowing tractor. The board has determined that they wish to replace the John Deere with a new John Deere and motion was made by Larry to purchase a John Deere 2520 from Lawn and Leisure. Motion second by Matt. Motion carried.
Brian made a motion to have another Clean-Up Day in May and to allow the committee to proceed with the final plans. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
No report
New liquor license applications to be delivered to the businesses this month.
Old Business
President Knoup reported that he was able to gather information regarding the process of selling the old gas station site if the board wishes at a later date. The sale would have to be done by bid only and cannot be done until after the EPA has released the site from any contamination.
The committee will need to bring to the board final numbers on the money the Village has invested in the land acquisition and clean up project.
The board members have decided not to buy a lift for the tractor stating there is not enough usage to warrant the cost.
New Business
The board needs to look at replacing the 13 street lights that we own in the downtown area. We have replaced or repaired the wiring so that all are in working order except two. Todd will speak with Fehr & Graham regarding plans and any permits we will need to at least get started with burying cable, poles and lights for the new section of curb and gutter that will be done this summer on Main St.
The new Stephenson County Mitigation plan is here for board members to review before committing to the plan.
Board members met to review Rob’s yearly salary increase and to discuss his work roles and responsibilities.
The committee has compared Rob’s wages to nearby towns and determined that at this time he is comparable with the wages. The committee would like to recommend a 2% increase in his hourly wage. Members have requested that he keep a daily log for awhile so that they are more aware of his job duties and responsibilities. Rob is to include all his night calls on the daily logs.
Rob reported that at this time he does the samples for Cedarville and Davis on Thursday afternoons along with ours, so that they all go out at the same time.
The committee also took a look at his vacation time and Holidays. The will continue with giving him three weeks vacation and the regular six Holidays and add an additional half-day holiday to both Christmas Eve Day and New Year’s Eve day.
Rob was requested to keep equipment clean and begin maintenance log books on all equipment. He was informed that he may use Charlie Boop anytime as needed.
Motion was made by committee to give Rob a 2% salary increase for this year. Motion second by Matt. Motion carried.
Motion was made by committee to increase Charlie’s wages to $12.00/hour and to increase Ed’s wages to $9.00/hour. Motion second by Matt. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 9:40 pm by Larry.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk