March 3, 2003

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second By Don.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Brian.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Dave.

Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-None needed

Financial Report

 The finance committee has spoken with Tom Jacobs regarding a TIF agreement with the business sector of the community. Tom submitted to the committee a list of eligible expenses. Committee has not received further information.


 Bill Liebenstein was present to represent the Legion-Lions Homecoming for 2003. The committee is seeking more participation in float entries and possibly another school band to perform in the parade. Bill reported that there would be children’s rides available.  All entertainment will remain the same as previous years, including the new 5k run. The committee is seeking themes for this year’s festivity. The committee is looking to pay out better on all float entries.  At this time the committee would like to request additional funds to help cover the cost.

Maintenance Report

See attached report

Streets & Alleys

Fehr & Graham has estimated our yearly street work from the 7-yr. Plan at $21,638.75

The new curb and gutter street for this year will be short approximately $25,000, Discussion regarding the delay of our annual street maintenance were made in order to use the allotted money for the curb and gutter street. The committee requested that we let bids for the curb and gutter  street and make the final decision for the seal coating after bid numbers have been reviewed. Committee will contact Fehr & Graham to let bids.

The parking area at the post office is in need of repair. President Knoup will speak with the owner/owners.


There has been a question of who pays for cost of repair to sewer lines.

The village is liable for the line to the property line. The property owner is liable from the manhole to the business.


 The committee will advertise for summer mowing, with bids to be opened April 14th in committee meeting.

The committee has met with the cemetery sexton and all phone calls coming in or going out will be logged for the board to review as needed.

Don has received one figure for the cost of putting up a fence line at the cemetery. This would run approx. $1,122.00. The committee will continue to look for ideas and bids for different options.


Buildings & Grounds

 The committee met to discuss the options of summer help. There are 3 persons (retirement age) whom would be willing to work as part-time when needed during the summer.  The committee would like to trial this option for one year, instead of hiring high school kids.  Wages were not discussed during the committee meeting, but President Knoup suggested that they be kept the same as our part-time winter help.

The summer help would be doing the mowing/weed whacking, leaf pickup and other projects that Rob or the board would like to see completed.

After much discussion it was determined that the committee will need to make a decision on who will do the cemetery mowing.  Either bid this out or use the summer help and our equipment.  This decision will need to be made before April 14th, when cemetery bids are to be opened.


 There has been a question of “When and how far the squad car can leave the village”

The committee will have a meeting with the officers to discuss this issue.

There has been a complaint of joggers running in the road and not moving for vehicles. There is concern that a vehicle will hit them.

President Knoup will try to contact the runners to discuss the concern.


New license renewals will be given to the businesses this month.

 Old Business

President Knoup has been working with Jim Henry on the sale of the old gas station. 

He has also spoke with Tom Jacobs regarding some type of reimbursement to the buyer to help cover expenses of removing the old tanks. Tom reported that if this is a clean-up/environment improvement we could propose a TIF agreement to the buyer. President Knoup will continue to work with the buyer to come to an agreement.

New Business

 There is a group of persons whom have taken the task of clearing the logjams out of Yellow Creek.  This group is not looking for any money to help cover cost of equipment. President Knoup requested that we keep a list of all whom help so that the Village may recognize the individuals on a later date. President Knoup will work with the group to get recognition for all their work.


Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Jim.  Second by Don.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



April 7, 2003


February 3, 2003