February 3, 2003
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the January meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second By Larry.
Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-None needed
Financial Report
The finance committee has spoken with Tom Jacobs regarding a TIF agreement with the business sector of the community. Committee is still waiting for a reply from Tom. Will meet in committee and bring any further details back to the board.
Maintenance Report
Nicor has fixed the gas leak on Summit St.
All of the out buildings have been repaired from the flood. New insulation, drywall etc. have been installed.
American flag will remain at half-mast until Wednesday due to Shuttle explosion.
Streets & Alleys
President Knoup has signed our yearly agreement with Fehr & Graham for 2003 Engineering Services.
Agreements have also been signed to use Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Curb and Gutter Street. This will be East Devore St. running from Main St to East St. (Between the grocery store and Yellow Creek Inn)
No report from committee. Committee inquired about readings on the sewer flow since the flood. Rob reported that the readings have been very good.
The committee has determined that a tree line next to the cornfield will not be feasible due to spraying of the crops. They are looking at other ideas to find a way to border the cemetery.
President Knoup announced that Farmland, parent company of P.C. Elevator, would donate $500.00 to the cemetery for use on the Memorial Garden or border fencing.
Dedication of the new Memorial Garden will be held on Memorial Day.
The board has recommended that the cemetery sexton keep a phone record and log all calls coming in and the calls that she is returning.
The committee chairman will inform the sexton of the change.
The Village will need to haul in more dirt for the cemetery before seeding can be done this spring.
The back gates will need to be replaced and possibly widen the drive at that entrance.
Buildings & Grounds
No report
The new video camera for the squad car has been ordered. The committee reported that they have a bill for $15.00 to Cheryl Cass for a transcription of a conversation between an officer and another person. It was suggested that Cheryl Cass would do any further transcription, as a third party.
P.C. Boco has served their license suspension and fine has been paid.
Old Business
President Knoup has been working with Jim Henry on the sale of the old gas station. Interested buyer would like to know if the Village would be willing to help with the cost of the storage tank removal. Removal of the tanks would run approximately $6,000.00. Board members suggested a TIF agreement that would payout after improvements are made to the lot.
Such an agreement would reimburse the owner over a specified time line.
If such an agreement is not acceptable by interested buyer, the board has suggested that only a small amount of the total cost be paid for the tank removal. President Knoup will continue to work with the interested party.
The finance committee has made the final changes regarding payment of vacation time. The new policy will impose that an employee, with up to 5 years of service, use the vacation time or lose it at the end of the calendar year. An employee who has completed his 5th year of service would be reimbursed for any vacation days not used. This excludes any sick days.
The committee made a motion to delete Section C of the first page of Chapter 10 in the employee handbook and replace this section with the revised copy as stated above. Motion second by Don. Roll call vote as follows.Larry- aye, Dave- aye, Brian- aye, Jim- aye, Don- aye, Todd- aye.
Let the record show 6- aye and 0- nay
Motion was made by Dave to pay Rob his 4 days of unused vacation time from 2002 since there was no policy in effect. Motion second by Larry. Motion carried.
New Business
Questioned the hiring of summer help. A committee of Dave, Don and Larry will meet to explore other options for summer/part-time help.
The committee will bring their suggestions to the board at the March meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 8:20 pm by Larry. Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein