June 7, 2010


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Bill Eaton was sworn in as an appointed trustee to fill vacated position from Brian Schiess’ resignation.    

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Dave.

Second by Rusty.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.

Second by Dave.

Motion carried.

Motion made by Mat to transfer $10,000.00 from the Sales account to the General account.  Motion second by Bill.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report

President Knoup will need to speak with the financial company (Financial Freedom) that now owns the property at 204 W. Goldmine regarding the mowing of the property.  The village has mowed once, but will need to verify for further mowing before a bill is sent to the financial institute.

Mat wanted to thank Jamie for the reports that she ran regarding the amounts that were appropriated and the amount that was spent for last year’s Appropriations.  This report helped Mat to make adjustments for this year’s Appropriations.  He noted that he adjusted numbers as needed, then added 20-30 percent for any department that was close to spending the amount appropriated.

The first reading of the Appropriations was conducted with final approval to be made at the July board meeting.


Maintenance Report

See attached sheet

It was questioned if the Village did mosquito spraying anymore.  Most municipalities do not spray due to liability concerns.  There are companies available that may do mosquito spraying.  Rob will look into this and report back at the July meeting.

 Streets & Alleys

 President Knoup called Fishers regarding when Station Street would be completed.  They only have one crew working and they will be here after they are done with their current job. 

Civil will be laying hot mix to South St. soon and it was suggested that we have an add-on for Mill St. to the Village Maintenance building and/or the lot at the lot at the building.  Mill St would run approximately $8,000.00 and another $12,000.00 for the parking area.

This year’s street maintenance will be paid with TIF money and we are currently under budget for the annual street maintenance.

Motion was made by Bill to have both Mill St and the Maintenance building lot added on to Civil’s agreement for re-surfacing.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.


 Sand filter cleaning has been completed. 

President Knoup suggested that the committee look at an aeration system for the lagoons as we are running near capacity.  This project could cost up to $300,000.00 to complete and could be paid out of TIF money.

The committee needs to meet with Rob and members of the Rural Water Association to get system ideas.   It was requested that we have Rural Water Association come to a board member with their suggestions.


 No report


No report


The Police will move into their new bay at the building as soon as the outdoor lights are installed and out of the bay.

There are only two keys to the evidence room.  Trustees will not have access to that room.


Old Business

Mat met with the school board and the school’s infrastructure committee regarding the proposed project for the old Lion’s Park.  An E-Mail was sent to the Park District stating that the Village and the School were ready to do a 50/50 project together at the park site.

Mat did not get a response back from the Park District.  Mat was requested to attend the next Park District meeting regarding the proposed project.

 The web site is coming along, but not complete at this time.  The 8th grade Social Studies class made posters for Pearl City History.  The Village will display these at the building.

Mat would like to get the Cemetery plat map on the website.

 New Business

 It was noted that this is the first meeting in our new office located with the Fire Department in the new building on Station St.

 It was questioned as to whether we needed to hire out for cleaning at the new Hall.  The Building and Grounds committee will check into prices and also see what the Fire Department will be doing.

 Motion was made by Mat to donate $100 to the Boy Scouts for their help with the clean-up day. Motion second by Rusty.  Motion carried.  Rusty and President Knoup will donate their $50 pay to bring the total donation to the Boy Scouts to $200.00. 

 Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Mat.

Second by Bill.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



July 5, 2010


May 3, 2010