July 5, 2010
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Rusty Liebenstein, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Bill Eaton, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Rusty.
Second by Jim.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills as presented with additional bills added.
Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Financial Report
Scott Gross, Nikki Rogers and family was present to discuss the upcoming benefit for Dalton. The benefit will be held August 14th at Yellow Creek Inn. Scott is requesting to block off the side street for the entire day and evening along with enclosing the alley way between Yellow Creek and Little John’s. There will be various events throughout the day with face painting, auctions and live music. Scott would like to extend the barricade fence further back towards IES to allow for a greater number of people attending. Activities will run from 3pm to midnight with no music allowed outside after midnight.
Motion was made by Larry to allow the street blocking for all activities as noted with outside music shut down at midnight. Fencing and cleanup will be the responsibility of Yellow Creek Inn. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
Maintenance Report
See attached sheet
Streets & Alleys
Station Street has been completed.
The street light base at North and Main needs to be replaced. Jim is looking at options for different downtown street poles or lamp heads. Would like to replace both at the same time. PDC quoted $900 per pole. Jim will do some more looking.
Looking at computer programs to load the cemetery plots, burial dates, open sites, etc on to our web site. Will look at the sites that Warren and Lanark are using.
No report
102 patrol hours for June. It is requested that all officers return the keys for both buildings. The squad bay will have a remote key pad for access.
Old Business
Mat did not hear back from the Park District. They did not have an “official” monthly meeting in June. Mat will wait another week to hear from Kim before he makes contact once again.
New Business
President Knoup noted that Stacey Knoup would be willing to wash windows and clean our area for $40.00 per month.
We need to submit a letter to the Post Office stating that we have a new street and requesting mail delivery.
The Homecoming committee will be having a beer garden under Yellow Creek Inn’s liquor license. President Knoup will handle the rules and conditions for this event.
Discussion was made regarding an open lot at Windhaven, in which, a person requests to purchase and turn into a park area with basketball courts and soccer field. The Park District will not maintain and what happens when the lot owner would move from the area. Motion was made by Jim to not allow the sale of the lot for a park. Motion second by Bill. Motion carried.
The Appropriations were reviewed after changes were made from last month.
Motion was made by the committee to accept the Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011 as presented. Motion second by Dave. Roll call vote as noted: Jim-aye, Rusty-aye, Mat-aye, Bill-aye, Dave-aye, Larry-aye. Let the record show 6-aye, o-nay, and 0 absent.
A motion was made to charge Hal Mckinski $200 per week for mowing of the open lots within the subdivision. Motion second by Bill. Roll call vote as follows: Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-no, Larry-no.
Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.
The board is trying to obtain a legal description of Walgren road to determine who actually needs to be maintaining the road. Questions arose as to whether it was responsibility of the county/township or the Village.
Rob will have the mail box moved to Station St. and the post office will be informed of the address change.
Rob informed the board that a cross connection needs to be inspected before the Fire Department can fill trucks at the station. This is the responsibility of the plumber to get it inspected.
The board went into executive session at 8pm for the purpose of land acquisition and personnel.
Out of executive session at 8:40.
Motion was made by Rusty to not make any bids for the old fire station building or lot. Second by Jim. Roll call vote as follows: Larry-abstain, Rusty-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Bill-yes, Dave-no. Let the record show 4-yes, 1-no and 1-abstain.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Larry.
Second by Bill.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk