July 5, 2016

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Dave. Motion Carried.

 Dave made a motion to pay all bills as presented with the additions/corrections. Second by Jim. Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Bob. Motion carried.

 No transfer of funds needed

Financial Report

Jim made a motion to approve the Appropriations as presented. Second by Bob. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Jim-yes, Will-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes and 1-absent

Maintenance Report


Jeff was present representing the Lions Club and Boulevard Bash. He announced that this is the third annual bash to be held August 27th. They will again have a parade and are requesting access to the village streets. Access granted. They will be holding the Kid Water fights on North Street and all other activities will be held on Homecoming Boulevard. Jeff is requesting to have a beer garden.  Motion was made by Dave to grant permission for a beer garden.  They must go through one of the Village businesses for alcohol purchase. Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Sharon Peppen from Community Development and Planning was present to inform the board of her company and how it may help the village.  She works directly with a developer and will help to secure funds for any project. Right now the village is landlocked for any incoming business. She would brainstorm and gather data and make presentations to developers/landowners. She works as time/material not to exceed an amount specified in a contract. She puts together comprehensive plans and works with the engineering firm.  She did note that she cannot guarantee a grant but would do her best to find one suitable for our needs.

Fehr-Graham update: Flood Buy-Out funds were not included in the latest Illinois partial budget that passed.  Brian Stewart is working to get these funds in the budget.

Waste Water Project: Final payment to Kelsey Excavating after inspection by Fehr-Graham.  Motion was made by Will to pay Kelsey $53,536.05 pending on the final inspection to be later this week. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried. Jamie will discuss with Mat as to which fund this will be paid from.


 Jim made a motion to let bids for street work on First St. Motion second by Will.  Motion carried.


Board members are to meet at 6 pm on August 1st to review with Rob the facilities and what needs to be done in emergency situations. (flooding/tower overfill etc)


Need to check with Motor Fuel tax to see if the cemetery road overlay qualifies.


Roofing steel for the pump house has been ordered.  Brick molding has been replaced at the reservoir.  The PC Welcome signs have been repainted. The North End sign still needs to be installed.


Larry will speak with Fred regarding extra help for the annual Boulevard Bash.


 No report

Old Business

Com-Ed has reduced their electric prices lower than our outside contract. Motion was made by Will to let Rock River Energy send letters to the residents informing them of their choices if they wish to go back to Com-Ed. Motion second by Larry.  Motion carried.  All informational calls should be directed to Rock River Energy and their numbers will be listed in the letter.

New Business

Nicor has extended the Village contract agreement and has increased our number of free therms for the upcoming years.

The board discussed the pros and cons of hiring the Community Development and Planning Company.  The board would like to speak with Fehr-Graham regarding what they would be able to do for Village development before any decision is made. President Knoup will speak with Fehr-Graham.

 The village has received complaints regarding excessive watering of lawns and gardens. We are not in a drought situation and are not an issue at this time. Residents will be informed when watering restrictions are made.

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 by Larry

Second by Bob.  Motion carried

 Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


August 1, 2016


June 6, 2016