June 5, 2017


Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.

The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

The committee made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Jim. Motion carried.

The committee made a motion made to transfer $20,000 from Sales Tax account to the General fund.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.

 Financial Report

Larry made a motion to pay the final pay request from Fischer Excavating for $5,803.34. Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Maintenance Report

Kelsey Excavating will be here to finish up the last items for the waste water treatment project.  He will then be back to do grading and dirt work that was approved earlier this year for 2 days at $4000.00.


Flood Buy-Out: President Knoup reported that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will put in an extension for the flood buy-out to run until year 2020. The Federal contract runs out at the end of this year. President Knoup is unsure if this will be extended.

Brian Borger was present to speak about Small Business Collaborative. His mission is to help create jobs and to bring in sales tax revenue. His services include helping persons who are starting new business or those that need to grow their business. He will also assist with marketing of your business. The services are free and he works by appointment only.  He wants to avoid short term business and focus on long term outcomes.

Jeff Johnson was present to promote the 4th annual Boulevard Bash and to request permission to have a beer garden.  The Bash is to be held August 26th and they

plan to run the beer garden under Little John’s special use license. Bob made a motion to allow the beer garden on August 26th from 10 am to 11:59 pm.  Motion second by Jim.  Motion carried.

Eagle Project-Seargant: Spoke to the board and wanted to confirm that everything was OK to continue his bridge project at Mill Pond.  The board has paid $2,000 for the steel bridge frame.  He will complete the walkway with a plastic composite board.  If he has any questions or needs more help he will contact Rob, Bob or Will for assistance.

President Knoup and Adam met with Kelsey Excavating regarding the final payment to them. They will meet at the Treatment plant Tuesday morning at 7 am to finalize and go over the grading and dirt work that he will be doing at the lagoon.


The intersection at South St and Summit St needs cold patch.  Rob will take care of this.


Jim noted that he will have homes posted for late water bills. If shut offs are done the water will not be turned back on until the overdue payments are made. Jim will also find out the process for putting a lien on the property for those homes that have not paid the late water bills.


The committee is to look at resurfacing the drive in the cemetery.  May consider going with a Micro Seal if pricing allows.


No report


We have hired another part time officer


No report

 Old Business

Jim noted that he got a quote for sidewalk replacement from Civil for $9 Sq.Ft.

He suggests that we begin to ear mark $25,000 per year and do a section of sidewalk each year. Board members are to consider any other ideas for homeowners to replace sidewalks.  Many areas in town need to be done.

Jim will also check with Fehr Graham regarding the use of Motor Fuel Tax money.

 New Business

Jon Rosensteil spoke with President Knoup inquiring about who he should contact regarding the Community Sign.  President Knoup turned this over to the Building and Grounds committee and Will will be the contact person.

Due to the 4th of July Holiday, the July meeting will be held on Wednesday July 5th at 7 pm.


Motion to adjourn at 8:25 by Larry, Second by Bob.  Motion carried

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk



July 5, 2017


May 5, 2017