July 5, 2017
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Matt Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim. Second by Bob. Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with changes. Second by Mat. Motion carried.
The committee made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Jim. Second by Mat Motion carried.
Financial Report
Jim made a motion to approve the Appropriations as presented. Motion second by Bob. Roll call vote as follows: Jim-yes, Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.
Maintenance Report
Safe Route to School: Adam was present from Fehr-Graham to let us know that bid letting was June 16 with Law Excavating from Mt. Carroll came in as the low bid at $170,824.30. Adam noted that the state recommends low bid.
Dave made a motion to accept the bid from Law Excavating for the amount noted. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried. Adam noted the project will be complete before winter. The village will need to match about $36,000.00. The state will handle the contract and will pay Law Excavating direct and we will be invoiced by the State. All add-ons will be the responsibility of the village.
Waste Water Project: Kelsey has completed the remaining dirt work. The final bill has not been invoiced yet and Adam noted that they were pleased with the work.
Flood Buy-The ODNR has extended our contract to 2020. Brian Stewart said that our buy-out was in the budget and we should know by Friday if it has passed. IEMA contract needs to be extended but they are waiting for a budget to pass. If a budget does not pass IEMA may end the project. If the budget passes we will try to move quickly and finish the project by the end of the year.
Civil will repair the street by Boco and we will invoice Boco. It was noted that the storm drains need to be cleaned.
The walking path is at a halt until we complete the Safe Route to School project.
There is a sewer line that needs to be fixed by Yellow Creek Quilts. We are still waiting for Com-Ed to move a guide wire that they punched through the sewer line.
The committee is to look at resurfacing the drive in the cemetery.
Rob will need to put up signs at Mill Pond to reflect No swimming, canoeing, kayaking or paddle boards.
The Friends of Mill Pond want to go all Natural but Rob believes we need to treat the pond. It is too late this year and we will need to wait for spring. Rob and the committee will contact Nikki Keltner for pond management.
Jim noted that he found all kinds of items on the burn pile at the maintenance building such as chairs, couches, piano. He feels this is getting abused and people are using the area as a dumpsite. Jim suggested that we start locking the gate at night.
We need to inform the officers of mini bikes and 4 wheelers being on the streets. Mat will speak to Fred about this.
No report
Old Business
Jim noted that to have a lien attached to a property we would have to go through the attorney. He will find out what the cost will be.
Jamie ordered some LED light bulbs for the Christmas decorations. We will put a few in and look at the difference before we order enough to replace all the bulbs.
The bridge at Mill Pond has been completed.
New Business
A resident noted that the board should buy out several of the flooded homes so that there is land available for growth. President Knoup stated that any new structure within the flood plan would have to be built by the regulations of the State and Federal guidelines. The board will not use tax payer money to invest in property.
The State is requesting that we pass a contract between them and the village stating that we would pay the 25% of the Back to School project. Jim made a motion to accept the contract as written by IEMA. Motion second by Mat. Motion carried.
Jim is requesting that the board members become aware of Rob’s daily operations. Members are to get together with either Rob or Jim for a tour and to learn how to operate the pumps, sewers, etc. in case Rob would not be available.
Homeowners wanting to replace sidewalks may give their cement bill to the village and we will pay for it.
Motion to adjourn at 8:25 by Larry, Second by Bob. Motion carried
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk