June 5, 2006
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westby, Dave Dixon, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Dave D..
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Dave D.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-none
Financial Report
Sharon Mockridge was present representing FHN In-Touch drug/alcohol rehabilitation program. Sharon is visiting all towns within Stephenson County to speak of the Keg Ordinance that she is proposing in order to curb underage drinking. The ordinance involves registration of the Keg with the business where it was sold. All kegs sold will have a non-removable sticker placed on them, which will correspond to a log sheet that will contain information on whom purchased the keg and when.
Freeport will adopt the ordinance this month, with Stephenson County to follow with adoption of the ordinance.
The board members have noted this presentation as the first reading. All members will review and make any changes and have a final vote at the July meeting.
Jim Fox was present representing Com-Ed and to discuss the de-regulation of a ten year freeze on prices. Jim noted that Com-Ed has had a 20% rate reduction since 1997.
Com-Ed will become a distribution site only and will buy their electric on the open market for their residents. Jim advised the board that any person can buy electric and lock in a price if they choose. Illinois has seventeen sites in which to purchase electricity.
Residential homes will have a cap of 8% on the distribution and cost of electric. Businesses will not have a cap.
Jim presented to the board several scenarios on the price jump we will be experiencing in January.
With electric bought at 6 cents per therm we could see a 27% increase in the pumping cost alone. Street lights at 6 cents may see an increase of 44%. These are only estimates as no one knows what price electric may be bought at.
Jim did specify that if the Village stays with Com-Ed our franchise agreements will still be valid.
President Knoup suggested that we invite one of the certified suppliers to a meeting for more information on purchasing of electric.
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
Fehr & Graham had the bid letting for the annual street seal coating. There was only one bid submitted for $23,903.60. This bid was higher than our budgeted amount. Discussion was brought forward regarding the street plan for seal coating. It was suggested that we discontinue seal coating and have a plan for hot mix streets every other year. Hot mix streets will last 15-20 years and our streets already have the appropriate base, so there would not be an additional charge for that.
Motion was made to reject the only bid for the seal coat street maintenance by Jim. Second by Todd. Roll call vote as follows, Todd-yes, Dave D.-yes, Jim-yes, Dave S.-yes. Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no and 2-absent.
The committee will get together with Fehr & Graham to choose the worst streets and submit bids for a hot mix street with a cap of $20,000.
The North Street water main project was stopped short due to a large cement blockage under the street.
Rob has secured barley straw for the lagoons.
The committee has only one bid for the fencing of the lagoons. They will continue to look for more bidders at this time.
The Village of Harmon will not be proceeding with the Water tower at this point. Fehr & Graham had no answers on this decision. The committee will look to find someone to take the tower down for scrap metal.
The committee noted that the cemetery looked nice for Memorial Day.
The clean up day went well with a final cost of $1,582.00. We also received a refund of $283.00 for the recyclable metal.
It has been requested that the police take care of all the ordinance complaints. Any complaint should be directed to the Police department or through Larry who will pass it on to the police.
Reminder that Yellow Creek Inn will be having their annual beer garden June 9-10.
Old Business
President Knoup will have another Brownsfield meeting to choose the final sites for cleanup. The Village looks to be at the top of the list with the old gas station and the milk plant.
All the downtown planters have been adopted and are in the process of being planted for the summer.
New Business
The board members questioned the regular meeting date in July due to the holiday. Motion by Jim to change the meeting date for July to Tuesday July 11th at 7pm. Motion second by Todd. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm by Todd.
Second by Dave D.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk