June 4, 2007
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Renee Liebenstein, Jim Westaby, Brian Schiess, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second by Dave.
Motion Carried.
The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
The committee made a motion to transfer $5,000.00 from sales tax account to general account. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Larry.
Motion carried.
Financial Report
Maintenance Report
See attached report
Streets & Alleys
The total street maintenance program for this year is $82,173.17. Per law we could not increase the total to $100,000 without re-bidding the entire program. The board decided to keep the original bid from Civil and add on 50% more work. The committee made a motion to accept the additional streets verified by Fehr & Graham and committee, with an additional three add on spots for the Street Maintenance program for 2007. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Board members discussed the new S. East street and proposal if the Fire department does not build in five years that the department would agree to repay the Village the total cost of the street. The Fire Department has opted out of this proposal. The Fire department has noted that they need to upgrade their equipment first before working on building a new station. Discussion then turned to whether we would continue with the new street or cancel the project. Members voiced not to continue with the project, but to keep all blue prints for future use. It was discussed to either earmark the money or use it for another project. It was noted that we would not have to earmark the money if we update the wish list for the TIF district, as noted in earlier months, to add the street project to the new listing. Motion was made by Brian to let the bids for the new street expire and the Village will assume the cost already incurred from the project. Motion second by Jim. Roll call vote as follows: Todd- yes, Renee- yes, Jim- yes, Brian- yes Dave- yes, Let the record show- 5- yes and 1- abstain.
The Village has opted to use the funds for another project such as a new chemical building on the old tower site after the tower is removed.
Harmon has received the grant for the tower and they have let bids for the removal along with returning the lot back to its original condition. (Grass lot)
The committee noted that the sewer infrastructure is in good shape with no needed upgrades at this time. Suggested that we look at putting in aerators on the lagoons.
No report
The new truck has been ordered and we should receive it in four to six weeks. The committee had only one bid for the truck package from Bonnell for a total of $27,638.00. The committee will seal bid the old truck after we receive the new truck and options are installed. Motion was made by Todd to accept the only bid for the truck package from Bonnell, with payment to be made from the TIF fund. Motion second by Renee. Motion carried.
The committee brought forward a copy of Unlicensed Vehicle Code from another city and requested that it be used as the first reading for our own code. Members are to review the code before adoption at the July meeting.
There will be a ball tournament on June 11th from 8am to 10pm and additional police coverage has been requested. Also the police will need to obtain extra coverage for the Homecoming activities and parade.
No report
Old Business
The lawyers are working on the final purchase agreements with Jim Henry and the old gas station. There were problems with a lien on the property and the property being in Diane’s name and not Jim’s as originally thought.
Thomas Jacobs office has made the changes on the Business Revitalization Grant forms. Their office has requested a press release to get the word out to the public regarding the new program.
Motion was made by Dave to accept the Business Grant Revitalization applications as presented by Thomas Jacobs office. Motion second by Jim. Motion carried.
Residents of the Village have requested that we look at additional lighting on North St. as they feel it is too dark.
President Knoup noted that Hide-Away Park is now being used by the Scouts and they are taking care of all cleanups at the park.
New Business
Rob has requested that we update our ordinance regarding the use of copper lines versus plastic lines. With the cost of copper being very high, many towns have revised their ordinance for the use of plastic lines. Rob will check on Lena’s code.
There has been a complaint on a Grant St. property regarding garbage and litter. The police will check on the status of the property before any action will be taken.
Certified letter was sent to the Levenick resident regarding the mowing of their abandoned property. Rob will continue to mow and the Village will put a lien on the property at the end of the summer if payment is not made. ($50.00 per mowing)
Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by Larry.
Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk