July 2, 2007

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion Carried.

 The Committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion carried.

 Financial Report

 Motion was made by the committee to approve the Appropriations as presented, motion second by Jim.  Roll call vote as follows: Todd-yes, Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes.  Let the record show 4-yes, 0-no, and 2-absent.

Mowing bill will be sent to Mckinski for the mowing of the retention ponds in the subdivision.


 Maintenance Report

See attached report

 Streets & Alleys

 The selected streets for the street maintenance program have been completed with the hot mix seal.  The board members have decided to replace the whole section of sidewalk on the North side where we removed two trees.


No date has been set for the removal of the water tower.  Jim has spoke with Fehr & Graham to obtain an estimate for a building and generator on the site.  The estimate came in at $120,000 with a self contained generator.  The committee has decided to look for other options and check on a generator cost only. 

The Co-Op has been billed for 91,000 gallons of water for usage in June.


 No report


 The board has had a request for the purchase of our old dump truck.  Another interested person will give $20,000 immediately for the sale.

Board members discussed options of either selling the truck for a specified amount to another taxing body or get sealed bids from the general public.  It was noted that we retain the right to reject all sealed bids.

We can offer the truck to another taxing body without offering it to the public.

Motion was made by Jim to get sealed bids from the general public for the dump truck, but will need to hold off on actual bids until we have possession of the new truck and it has been detailed with the accessories.  Motion second by Larry.

The committee will need to look at replacing the small truck and a possible outline for any remaining equipment upgrades that need to be done.

Pres. Knoup noted that he spoke with the Park District regarding Mill Pond.  The Park District did not know how long they wanted on a lease for the Park.  It was noted that a lease was signed in 1995 for a period of fifty years, with the option of breaking the lease by mutual agreement.  The Park District noted that they would like money to build a new dock at the pond, but no amount or drawings were given at this time.  They have also requested goose control by use of paintball guns, which members noted that this has not been successful in other areas that have tried it.  Members discussed the option of not going with a new lease for Mill Pond and having the Village take care of it, since we have been asked to pay for the upkeep.  Members felt that there has not been much attention given to the pond.  President Knoup requested permission to continue the talks with the Park District.  Members agreed to the talks, but requested that if talks involved money for upkeep and replacement of the dock that we take back the lease for the Pond.


The committee brought forward a final copy of the Unlicensed Vehicle Code   Members reviewed the code before the second reading and final adoption.  Motion was made by the committee to accept the Vehicle code as presented, second by Todd.

Extra coverage for the Homecoming parade has been secured.

More complaints on “thumping music” from vehicles.  Need to get a license plate number for further investigation on the complaints.


 Little John’s have requested to have a beer garden on July 27th and 28th with bands both nights outside. Last call to still be at 1 am with bands to stop playing at midnight.  Motion was made by Jim to grant the beer garden to Little John’s Tap for July 27th and 28th.  Motion second by Todd.  Motion carried.

 Old Business

 Rob will look into getting a copy of an ordinance for Water Main service using plastic instead of copper lines, due to the increase in the cost of copper and theft resulting from the increase.

 New Business

There have been complaints of weeds at the apartments on S. Main by the walk bridge.  Owner will be notified of the ordinance.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Larry.

Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



August 6, 2007


June 4, 2007