July 7, 2003

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Larry Johnson, Dave Dixon, Brian Schiess, Jim Westaby, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills, with the exception of Edler electric.  This will be paid when the work is completed.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Brian.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-None needed

 Financial Report


 Maintenance Report

See attached report

 Streets & Alleys

Larry and Todd surveyed Breezeway and Walgren Rd. for previous safety issues. It was determined that sidewalks would not be an option and would like to see a three way stop put in at that location.  President Knoup commented that several of the residents felt they were pressured into signing a petition for the stop sign.  The Streets & Alley committee with the Police committee, made the motion to install a three way stop at Walgren Rd. and Breezeway Dr. Motion was second by Larry. After a heated discussion a roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: Larry –yes. Todd- no, Dave –yes, Jim –no, Brian- yes, Dave D. – yes.  Let the record show 4-yes and 2 no.  Rob will order the stop signs and contact the county to have them installed.

 Fehr & Graham opened bids for the Devore St. Project.  Fischer’s came in at the low bid.  The bids were estimated to be $15,000 less than the engineer’s estimated cost.  The committee made the motion to accept the low bid from Fischer’s for a total cost of $71.251.42.  Motion was second by Dave D.  Motion carried. 

The cemetery street will be seal coated while Cox is working in town.

Todd Block/Elevator will assume the cost of a double seal coat for the lot next to the Post Office.

Rob was reminded to reset the clock downtown.

We have two streetlights on Dori Dr. that are not working properly.  Rob will contact Com-Ed to check.


  With the water usage being high this past month. Rob will be posting the Water Ordinance as needed.  This will involve only watering during evening hours and on odd/even days as permitted by your address.


The committee will be waiting until Fischer’s have finished bringing in fill before they put up a border on the North end.


Buildings & Grounds

 Rob has contacted Freeport Maintenance regarding their ordinance for Grass, Weeds, Stagnant water and Rubbish.  A copy has been given to each board member.  The members will review and make changes as necessary and it will be voted on at the August meeting.

Jamie commented that the copier is in need of repair. Committee suggests that she call for a work order before considering a new copier.  This copier is five years old.

The committee will mark the sites for the new Welcome signs so that the State can approve the location.


 he Village has received a check from Crime Stop for $3,500

This is to be used for police protection and an itemized sheet of the money used will need to be forwarded to Crime Stop.

A Thank You will be sent.

The reserves have been notified for Homecoming and the police will make sure there is coverage for the fall football games here in town.

Larry has requested that the board think of raising the salary for the police officers.


We have received the check for the new license for Yellow Creek Inn.  This was pro-rated from June.  President Knoup commented that there has been a misunderstanding between the previous owner of Yellow Creek Inn and the Liquor committee.  The owners were under the impression that the

 License could be transferred if the business was sold.  Our ordinance states there is no refund or transfer of license.  President Knoup suggested that we consider a refund of some type due to the misunderstanding.  All new licenses will come with a copy of the liquor ordinance.

 A motion was made to pro-rate the refund from June for $906.85 by Jim.  Motion second by Dave D.  Roll call vote was taken: Todd-yes, Dave S.-no, Jim-yes, Brian-no, Dave D.-yes, Larry-no.  Since this resulted in a tie vote. President Knoup voted no.  Motion was not passed. A second motion was brought forward to refund only a six-month portion of the license by Dave D. Motion second by Dave S.  Roll call vote was taken: Larry-no, Dave D.-yes, Brian-no, Jim-yes, Dave D.-yes, Todd-yes.  Let the record show 4-yes and 3-no.  Motion carried.

 Old Business

 Our TIF has brought in $276,907.00 for the last fiscal year. Thomas Jacobs has sent the TIF audit repot to the State.

 A plant will be sent to the Endress family, since Ron was a previous business owner in the Village.

 New Business

The finance committee made a motion to approve the Appropriation ordinance as written by the Finance committee.  Motion was second by Dave.  Roll call vote was taken: Jim-yes, Dave S-yes, Todd-yes, Dave D-yes, Larry-yes, Brian-yes.  Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no.  Motion carried.


Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Larry.  Second by Brian.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



August 4, 2003


June 2, 2003