JUNE 1, 2020
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call, President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Bob. Motion carried.
Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk.
No transfer of funds
Maintenance Report
President Knoup spoke with Adam from Fehr Graham regarding well #3. Adam will put together a new quote for the project.
President Knoup noted there was two bids for the Motor Fuel Tax street. Martin at $169,200.33 and Civil for $174,285.55. Jim made a motion to accept the low bid from Martin. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Jamie noted that we are getting an additional $9,204.55 every 6 months for the next three years in Motor Fuel Tax with a total of $55,227.48 for the 3 years.
Jamie inquired whether apartment building owners should be paying for water and sewer on apartments that are empty. Board members advised that they will need to pay the minimum amount for any empty apartments.
Water to the Lee Pitts building will come off the existing line on that side of the street. The water line is larger at 1 ½ inch so there will not be an issue with water pressure.
It was noted that after the heavy rains the water was still backing up on E. South street. The board will need to look at options for improvements in heavy run-off.
Jim met with Fischer Excavating regarding a sidewalk on the south side of Walgren Road from Breezeway to Dori. Fischer is willing to do the dirt work with the Village doing the cement work.
The committee made a motion to approve the project on a time and material basis with Fischer Excavating. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried.
The committee is waiting for the electric to be completed at the campsite pads. Will work on getting water to the sites at a later time. We have room for up to six sites plus camping area. There will be a $15.00 per night charge for utilities.
The board was informed that the part time police officers from Freeport are not allowed to work in the village until the Shelter in Place Order has been lifted. This is per Freeport Police department.
Dave spoke with B & T Auto and it will be less expensive to have the Durango repairs done there. The committee will make the decision on the repairs.
Since we are lacking police coverage, at this time board members will need to drop off any ordinances to residents as needed.
The board has not received a TIF request from Kempel Construction.
Herb Kline called President Knoup regarding the possible Dollar General construction. Herb will have the TIF incentive numbers for the board for the July meeting. The board will need to pass the TIF incentive before Dollar General would consider building in the village.
The Development Committee spoke with President Knoup regarding their parcel of land and possibly getting it into the TIF. The committee was informed that the land would need to be sold and annexed first and that it cannot be added to our original TIF, but that it would have to be considered for a new TIF. That process would take approximately two years before it would go through all of the legal TIF processes. After hearing this information, the Development Committee decided that it was not feasible to pursue a TIF status on the land.
No report
Old Business
Motion was made by Jim to approve the updated version of the Sexual Harassment Ordinance written by IML. Motion second by Dave. Motion carried. All board members, appointed members and hired employees will need to review the material and sign an acknowledgment.
Jim made a motion to pass the Litter and Trash Ordinance as approved in the 2nd reading. Motion second by Kirk. Roll call vote as follows: Kirk-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes, Bob-yes, Dave-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 1-absent and 0-no.
New Business
The board received a chicken license request from Marissa Kempel. The application is complete with approval from all neighbors. Motion made by Mat to approve the license. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Rob noted that Mike Tichler can be added to the village license for weed spraying for $60.00 for 3 years. This would be just weed spraying for road cracks etc. Dave made a motion to add Mike Tichler to our Weed Control license. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
The Fire Department would like to put in new flooring and remove all the carpet from the building. They are inquiring if the Village would pay for their portion of the building. No cost or estimates have been given to the board.
Dave made a motion to accept the engagement letter from Oconnor Brooks for this year’s audits. Motion second by Mat. Motion carried.
Little John’s Tap inquired if the board would consider allowing them a permanent Beer Garden if requested. They wanted to know what the board felt before any decision is to be made.
Motion to adjourn at 8:55 by Bob. Motion second by Kirk. Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk