July 6, 2020

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

Members answering roll call, President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Kirk Knoup, Will Backus, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

The minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim.  Motion Carried.

The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Second by Bob.  Motion carried.

Mat made a motion to approve the treasurer report as presented. Second by Kirk. Motion carried.

Mat made the motion to transfer $15,000.00 from Sales tax account to the General account.  Motion second by Kirk.  Motion carried.

Maintenance Report

The water and sewer have been inspected on the new home build in the subdivision.  Rob has also sold 2 Cemetery plots.


Jeff Johnson was present representing the Boulevard Bash committee. He requested permission from the board to conduct the Bash during this pandemic crisis. The committee has been gathering information to decide if they move forward or cancel the event.  Jeff noted that they have given $15,000.00 back to the community. Jeff said that no schedule has been made for the event.  He is requesting to have a beer garden again this year if event is held. The event is tentatively scheduled for August 22, 2020.  Mat made the motion to allow Boulevard Bash to be held if allowed by state mandates.  Motion second by Dave.  Motion carried.


The board has received a complaint of odor regarding the dumping of the wastewater from the cheese factory.  A noted before the village receives money for the dumping. The waste discharge is 90% water. If we continue to have complaints, we will have to consider stopping the dump of the wastewater.


The agreements have been signed for the North/Summit St project and Martin’s will begin soon. Jim noted that we will have several add-ons to the project while the equipment is in town. Rob would like to see a swale by the Lutheran Church and there is street that needs a patch.


The campground is ready to go and the rules have been posted.  The committee will have a drop box installed for payments.  The sites will need water and we also need to have a spot for discharge waste from the campers. The committee did receive the $10,000.00 matching grant from Com-Ed.  The bridge and walk path in the prairie area can be completed with the grant money.


Will presented to the board the appropriations for the year.  He noted that several changes have been made to Motor Fuel and the Water and Sewer. The committee made the motion to accept the Appropriations as presented with the changes.  Motion second by Dave.  Roll call vote as follows: Dave-yes, Bob-yes, Jim-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes, Kirk-yes.  Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and o-absent.


Dave noted that he received word from Fred that the check engine light is on in the Durango. The committee will look into the problems and get the work completed.

Dave noted that we need to get the Unsafe Structure Ordinance and the Unlicensed Vehicle Ordinance out.  We are having a problem with groundhogs due to unsafe structures.

The part time officers have been released from the City of Freeport and can resume hours in the village.  The officers will need to speak with the kids regarding the use of scooters, hover boards and 4 wheelers on the village streets.


Mat has forwarded the Kempel TIF request to the TIF lawyers. Herb Klein responded that we can make payment to Kempel in installments or one lump sum.  The request was a total of $24,000.00 and 10% of the total is eligible for payment.  Jim made the motion to give the 10% ($2,400.00) reimbursement in one payment.  Motion second by Mat.  Motion carried.

We have received the TIF Redevelopment Agreement between Glenwood Equities (Dollar General) and the Village of Pearl City.  Glenwood Equities would receive $225,000.00 by the end of the TIF in 2032. The TIF attorney has written the agreement and both parties agree with the TIF payout.  Motion to accept the agreement as written by the TIF attorney was made by Jim.  Motion second by Bob.  Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Will-yes.  Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.

Jim made the motion to accept the Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement as written by the attorney.  Motion second by Kirk.  Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Kirk-yes, Dave-yes, Will-yes.  Let the record show 6-yes, 0-no and 0-absent.


No report

Old Business

Will made the motion to accept the Resolution as written for the Com-Ed Green Region Program.  Motion second by Bob.  Motion carried.

The Dog Park is on hold until the Boy Scouts can meet and are allowed to work together.

The board is requesting that the Fire Department come to the board meeting with quotes and samples for the floor in the building. No discussion on reimbursement of our portion until be made until we see quotes and samples.

New Business

None to report

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 by Bob. Motion second by Kirk.  Motion carried.

Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


August 3, 2020


JUNE 1, 2020