August 4, 2003

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Larry Johnson, Dave Dixon, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.

 The minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.

Second by Larry.

Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills.

Motion Second by Jim.

Motion carried.

Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.

Second by Dave S.

Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds-None needed

 Financial Report


 Bill Liebenstein was present to represent the Legion-Lion Homecoming.  Bill presented the board with the total entertainment expenses for the weekend. His total was $1225. The board will give a donation to the Legion-Lion’s Homecoming of $1200 dollars from the Band fund.

Bill thanked the village for their continued support of the event.

Maintenance Report

See attached report

 Streets & Alleys

Summit street curb is now complete by the school.  They will be adding four handicap ramps at the intersections in the next two weeks. 

Eric White of Yellow Creek Inn wishes to be informed when the construction work will begin on Devore St. He will need to arrange parking for his employees and customers.

The ditch behind Liebensteins on North St. needs to be dug out again for better drainage.


Win Toeber with Fehr & Graham was present to bring some new proposals to the board for needed upgrading of the sewer lagoons and other sewer projects.  Win proposes that the board add a new rock filter to the two sand filters at the lagoons.  The estimated cost would be $80,000, which will be considered a TIF project.

Discussion was made regarding any additional fees for construction by the state or an increase in the new discharge cost, which was recently applied by the state.  Win informed the board that there are no additional fees on municipal construction. It was stated that if the design of the project was kept under 100,000 gal. Discharge, this would not increase the yearly fee by the state.  The project would involve putting in another pond with the rock filter and then blend with the sand filter.

Until we add aeration, our capacity for discharge will remain at 75,000 gal.  The rock filter will be easier to maintain and still keep the effluent that is needed.

 Jim made a motion to get the permit to construct a rock filter at the lagoon with the approximated cost of $80,000.  Larry seconds the motion.  Motion carried.

The second proposed project is the inspection of the sewer lines within the village. Many of the lines are 30 plus years old.  The project will involve flushing the lines then running video through them to find breaks.  The cost is approx. $1.00 per foot, the committee suggest that we divide the project into 3 segments with approximately $10,000 per segment cost.  This would eliminate the need to bid the project.

Dry time is the best time to do the inspection.  It could be done this fall yet or even during the winter months.

The committee was asked to look for funds since this project was not on our appropriations for this year.  The committee will report next month with fund options, names of businesses that are in this line of work and any approximate times it could be done.

The third proposal was for sump pump inspections of all homes in the village.  This involves an individual going home to home to inspect basements for any illegal sump pumps, which run back into the village lines.  The project will create negative feelings with some of the residents. This inspection would need to be performed by an outside individual. Lena and Shannon have completed their inspections.  The committee will contact these villages to get their information on cost and outcomes.  The village does have an ordinance in place that permits inspections of the homes.  A home, which does not comply, will result in their water being shut off.

Jim made a motion to proceed with the inspection project and to find an individual to do the work.  Motion second by Dave D.  Motion carried.  Jim will bring the plan and final cost back to the board next meeting.

Rob reported that he would be on vacation August 11-15.  Charlie Boop will do the meter readings and Jim is to be contacted for any emergency.


 The new road is completed.  Dave D. questioned how much he should get involved with the dispute between two families over the placement of a grave marker.  The complaint is that one person’s marker was placed on the wrong gravesite and the second family wants it moved so they can put up a marker on the site.  Dave was asked to contact Hermann’s to see if he

Could determine if the other site had a rounded vault top or flattop. This would determine which family was on which site.  If the Village marked the wrong site for the marker, we will cover the cost to move the marker.


Buildings & Grounds

The committee reported that we are in need of a new mower or repair of the old mower.  Our current mower is 5 years old.  The committee was asked to bring a price list back to the next meeting.  The committee is also looking for a new street sweeper.  They will work with a salesman who buys from many suburbs and resells to other villages in the state.


 The village will give the Reserves a donation of $150.00 for their help with the Homecoming parade.

The stop sign on Walgren Rd. will be up this week.

The committee will check with various communities around us for Police Officer salary comparison, Larry will bring the report to the next meeting.


Old Business

The village will give a $10.00 donation to the scout who helped with our spring cleanup day.  The grass and rubbish ordinance was tabled until the September meeting.

President Knoup will speak with our attorney regarding the next step for the cleanup of the old gas station.

 New Business

 IMLRA has requested a new intergovernmental cooperative agreement with us so that they may update their record for the State.  Motion was made by Larry to accept the agreement as presented by IMLRA.  Motion second by Todd.  Motion carried.

 The organization of the annual Car Show has requested the use of Devore and First St. for the car show if construction vehicles are still using the school parking lot.  The board approved the request.

 Main street businesses are concerned regarding resident parking on Main Street and vehicles not being moved for weeks at a time. The board will look at a new parking ordinance, which may cover moving vehicles every 24 hours.  This is only a summer problem as our snow removal ordinance covers the winter with odd/even parking during snow removal.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm by Larry.  Second by Todd.

Motion carried.


 Cheryl Liebenstein

Village Clerk



September 2, 2003


July 7, 2003