January 6, 2003
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup.
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Todd Brinkmeier, Dave Schirmer, Jim Westaby, Don Earlenbaugh, Larry Johnson, Brian Schiess, Cheryl Liebenstein and Jamie Melville.
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Jim.
Second By Larry.
Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion for approval to pay all bills, with the exception of O’Connor, Brooks annual audit bill.
Motion Second by Jim.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented by Jim.
Second by Brian.
Motion carried.
Transfer of funds-Motion was made by Larry to allow the committee to transfer $36,000.00 from Sales to the Water & sewer Fund and to transfer $17,000.00 from sales to the General fund if Jamie does not receive the insurance check by January 10th. Motion Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Jamie reported that we are well ahead of schedule on our Debt Service Bonds. As of July 2003 we will owe $65,000.00 plus interest.
Maintenance Report
The Village will buy the five extra Christmas lights, which were shipped with our order, for $990.00. Rob is continuing to work on getting some of the damaged ones in working order.
Streets & Alleys
The committee is starting work on the Motor Fuel Tax Street for 2003.
This will be a curb and gutter street for South East St, south of Rt. 73.
(Between Heeren Foods and Yellow Creek Inn) The committee will contact Fehr & Graham to start the preliminary paperwork and bids.
The school will need to repair part of Summit St. next to the stop sign after final construction is done.
The pump house is nearly done with water damage repairs. Gasvoda has been here to work on the pumps.
The committee is seeking bids for trees along the North end of the cemetery. Will be checking the lot line, so that we are assured that
There is sufficient room, so that no trees are damaged when the field is sprayed.
The committee will need to set up a meeting with the sexton regarding calls that are not being returned. Customers are getting upset that they cannot get a hold of the sexton when needed.
Buildings & Grounds
Fred Cass will be assuming the duties as Chief of Police, including the monthly paperwork.
The insurance company has given permission for a new video camera for the squad car.
Gary Mohr’s badge will be mounted and presented back to him for his years of service to the Village.
The board has received the state report regarding the sale of alcohol to a minor by P.C. Boco. As approved last month. Boco will receive a fine of $100.00 and the revocation of their liquor license for a period of 7 days. This has been set for January 12-19. The fine must be paid by the 19th before their liquor license is reinstated. President Knoup will inform them in person.
Old Business
President Knoup reported that the Village would be a pilot for a new type of retention pond in Windhaven Plat 2. Work will begin on the second phase after Hal McKinski finalizes his numbers.
We have heard that we cannot officially give the sno-groomer to the Sno Pearls club for a period of five years. The state informs that this is part of the grant agreement. After five years we will be able to donate to the snowmobile club. At this time, the village will draw up an agreement allowing the Sno-Pearls use of the groomer as long as proof of insurance is provided and the club maintains the upkeep.
President Knoup will write the agreement.
Questions regarding Rob’s vacation days have been turned over to finance committee. They will make final decisions and post within the employee handbook for future reference.
New Business
President Knoup and the Stephenson County Emergency Management met with the Army Corp of Engineers regarding the blockages in Yellow Creek.
This was a preliminary meeting and the county needs to send aerial photos of the spots that they were unable to view by land. The Army Corp will continue to investigate the possibility of grant money for clean up. There are now 2 programs now available with a grant of up to $500,000.00
At this time, we need to wait for final results from the engineers before any grant work can begin.
Motion to adjourn at 8:00 pm by Larry. Second by Todd.
Motion carried.
Cheryl Liebenstein
Village Clerk