January 4, 2016

Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup

 Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Will Backus, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.

 The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Larry. Motion Carried.

 The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections. Second by Bob. Motion carried.

 A motion was made by Larry and second by Dave to NOT pay the request from Kelsey Excavating until completion of the Waste Water Treatment project. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Will-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Let the record show 5 yes and 1 absent.

 Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Mat.

Second by Larry. Motion carried.

 Transfer of funds – None needed

 Financial Report

Maintenance Report


Darrell Busser was present to speak with the board regarding his water.  The water smells.  He noted that they have to run the water 2-3 hours each morning to get rid of the smell. The family was gone for 8 days and had to run the water for over 4 hours. Darrell said this has been ongoing for about three years. He said they had no problem before the hydrant was moved.

Rob had three suggestions for improvement, first was to add Polyphosphate which he said he will not do. Second would be to loop the main which is too expensive of an option and the third would be to install an automatic flushing hydrant which would cause more problems with standing water and ice.

Rob noted that Darrell’s house is the lowest house on the main. (6 foot lower)There have been no other complaints from the neighbors. Darrell has all new copper pipes in the house. Rob feels the problem is from the lack of chlorine (the chlorine is being used up before it gets to that main) the plumber suggested that he install a water softener/oxidizer which is much cheaper than an auto flush hydrant. The board has suggested that he install the water softener and if he still continues to have problem the board will add the oxidizer to the system.

 Jon Schubert-O’Connor, Brooks was present to review the annual audit. Jon noted that the first three pages are the Independent Auditor Report. It was also noted that the TIF fund owes the General fund $241,365.00 for the initial startup of the TIF.

Next year IMRF will need to be listed on the balance sheet.

Jon also recommends that the individual bills listed monthly should also show which fund they are taken from (ex: St. Lighting, Bridges, Police, etc)

See copy of full audit for more information.

 Fehr-Graham-Adam-was not present at the meeting and President Knoup noted that the Buy-Out is still on hold due to no State budget.


 Rob noted that there were vehicles that were not moved during snow plowing. He also noted that he may need additional help with plowing as Geoff is not always available when needed.


 Dave received a letter from Judd letting him know that he has reviewed the Well Ordinance and that he will draft the ordinance for the board with his recommendations for change.


No Report


No report


No Report



President Knoup said that he signed two letters allowing the businesses to stay open longer for New Year’s Eve.

He also noted that he will have our insurance notify us regarding businesses having outdoor beer gardens and bands. There are more regulations that need to be followed with these activities on Village streets.

 Old Business

President Knoup has made phone calls regarding new business in town. Many told him that Illinois is not business friendly and they would like to know what land is available to them before they even come out to the Village to look. President Knoup is still working on this.

 President Knoup will contact Jacob-Klein TIF office to find out where the forms are for the TIF extension.

 New Business

 Will spoke to the board regarding the Hazard Mitigation County wide project. He informed the board that we should put together a specific project list so that when the funds become available we will be eligible for money to complete projects listed.

 Motion to adjourn at 8:45 by Larry

Second by Bob.  Motion carried

 Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk


February 1, 2016


December 7, 2015