December 7, 2015
Call to order at 7:00 pm by President Knoup
Members answering roll call: President Knoup, Bob Asche, Mat Diehl, Jim Westaby, Dave Dixon, Larry Johnson, Jamie Melville and Cheryl Liebenstein.
The minutes from the November meeting were reviewed and accepted without dissent by Bob. Second by Jim. Motion Carried.
The committee made a motion to pay all bills as presented with additions and corrections. Second by Jim. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the treasurer report as presented, by Jim.
Second by Mat. Motion carried.
Transfer of funds – Motion was made by Mat to transfer $15,000 from Sales to General. Motion second by Bob. Motion carried.
Financial Report
Mat spoke with Jon Schubert regarding the Tax Levy and Jon made several suggestions for changes. 5% were added to several funds and some funds were decreased.
Motion was made by Mat to approve the Tax levy as presented. Motion second by Larry. Roll call vote as follows: Mat-yes, Bob-yes, Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes. Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.
Maintenance Report
Rob noted that the dump truck is still being worked on and should be ready later this week.
Fehr-Graham-Adam-was present to review some of the ongoing projects.
Waste Water Project: The electrical has been completed and the representative will be here Thursday to start up the aeration system. Kelsey Excavating will need to complete the pump house this week. He will also need to fence and landscape when the weather gets warmer.
Flood Buy-Out: There is no State budget yet and the project continues to be on hold. Adam noted that it may be after March before we can move forward with the project. He also noted that all the title work will have to be re-done.
Safe Route to School: The preliminary designs are at the state level and waiting for approval before we begin to get easements. Adam is looking to bid the project in March for the sidewalk work.
Street maintenance for spring will include South First St and North St.
Dave reported that in order to get a waiver for additional testing we will need to make some improvements. The back up well will need to become active and additional fluoride testing will need to be done. We will need to decide on whether to go with a submersible pump or a turbine pump for the well. Rob will get prices for each.
The attorney has the Well Ordinance and we are waiting for his input before final approval.
Jim did a house inspection on Garfield St regarding bad smell, taste and discoloration. He noted that there was not filtration system or water softener system at the home. The Village will not be able to do any more with this issue, but will continue to flush the Main.
No Report
No report
No Report
No Report
Old Business
President Knoup had a meeting with Harry Bowen (BoCo). Harry is still interested in expanding his building but does not have the room. He has requested to close the street by him, but that is not possible as he does not own both sides. Harry was told to bring his plans to the board.
New Business
A draft of the audit is here and Oconnor Brooks(Jon Schubert) will be present at our January meeting to review the audit.
Discussion was made regarding the Village not getting any new business in town. It was noted that Dollar General requires a population of 1000 before they will build in any town.
President Knoup will make more phone calls to see if we can get any businesses such as Dollar General, Casey’s, Kelly Williams, or Road Ranger.
At 8:15 the board went into executive session for the purpose of Rob’s review and wages.
Out of executive session at 8:25
Motion was made by Dave and second by Bob to give Rob a 3% raise. Roll call vote as follows: Bob-yes, Mat-yes, Jim-yes, Dave-yes, Larry-yes, Let the record show 5-yes, 0-no and 1-absent.
Rob’s raise will be effective January 1st. The board will look at the wages for the other employees after the New Year.
Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Larry.
Second by Dave.
Motion carried.
Attest: Cheryl Liebenstein, Village Clerk